Saturday, 1 June 2013


   by Leigh Oswald (London-based Astrologer and Teacher)

The big astrological news this month is Jupiter’s entrance into Cancer. Jupiter goes through each sign every 12 years and stays in that sign for a year. Wherever Jupiter is, there are benefits brought to that part of the Zodiac, or at least protection. Therefore it is obvious that for Cancerians it is a bonus and all members of that sign will benefit at some point over the coming twelve months, but it also works well for the opposite earth sign of Capricorn and brings a boost to fellow water signs of Scorpio and Pisces Cancer rules America and Scotland, Holland, Paraguay and New Zealand, and Cancer is traditionally deemed to rule the city of New York, Amsterdam, Milan, Stockholm, Venice, Tokyo and indeed Manchester in the UK. Jupiter at best brings expansion, opportunities, luck and growth, either inner or outer. In his most conservative role he offers protection. His role astronomically is to help deflect asteroids from the Earth, and so too he can deflect danger from individuals who he is positively influencing

Mercury moves retrograde this month, also on the 26th, from Cancer and that would suggest that from the 26th for about 26 days one can expect hiccups, delays, restrictions, poor communications, blocks and things generally not going to our human intentions and plans. Mercury retrograde is meant to give time to review and reconsider our goals and desires. There is method in the madness. What humans want and when they want it is not necessarily what they need and when they need it, nor is it necessarily good for them. This however is Gemini’s month. London is a Gemini city and focus may well be on activities there. However with Venus from the 3rd to 27th in Cancer and Mercury in Cancer all month, powerful Cancerian influences are at work, which is about nurturing, caring, the unconscious and rules the power of the public. By contrast Gemini is all about the power of pure rationality, the mind, ideas and communications.

Uranus continues to square Pluto this month, particularly early month, which is merely the continuation of the overt and covert clash between dictatorial and economic power and the populous.

Saturn also continues to trine Neptune most of the month, bringing the opportunities to work hard to fulfil ideals and to have the will to work hard to manifest creative, spiritual or humanitarian achievements. The emerging collective consciousness and distaste (Neptune) relating to corporate tax avoidance (Pluto in Capricorn) is putting pressure on governments and big business to make a more equitable system. Currently internationally organised tax avoidance schemes and complicated loopholes drummed up by wealthy lawyers and accountancy firms in a globalised system with very loose boundaries and which seems to answer to no jurisdiction, are clearly at odds with national interests.  By claiming international status they can escape much taxation responsibility. This is a divided world in extremis. There are increasingly more wealthy organisations and their people, living in a bubble totally removed from the majorities’ experience of and obligations of life.  Saturn working in concert with the global collective power of Neptune however is a good tool for bringing together forces of economic power bases (Saturn) and forces working for a more ideal and fair solution (Neptune). However with Uranus (revolutionary fervour) still at odds with Pluto (often ruthless power) in Saturn ruled Capricorn, the clash between these who want egalitarian behaviour and those who want to pay as little tax as possible will indeed be a ruthless one.

To say tax avoidance is immoral, whilst maintaining its legality (the stance taken by David Cameron), is cognitive dissonance indeed.

Selective enforcement of morality can be convenient and of course many of our politicians and their parties are advantaged financially by many of the corporate avoiders.

It should be remembered that taxation is the price we pay for living in a civilised society. Saturn's current journey through Scorpio is very much about pointing out the truth that responsibility and uncomfortable discipline needs to be accepted and embraced in the financial realm. Harsh lessons resulting from the abuse of financial power are in the ether. The frustration of outgoing financial desire being thwarted is a great teacher when Saturn is in Scorpio. It seems it is the power of public opinion and public boycott and action (rather than political will) that is forcing change and shame. Neptune harmonising with Saturn brings these subtle collective influences to bear.

The 11th, 12th and 13th are tricky periods when Venus squares Uranus and opposes Pluto. The unexpected is in the air as are serious power struggles, individually and globally, and the 7th and 8th are also times of some upset, the unpredictable and left field. Both are quite explosive periods. The 19th and 20th can bring bonuses, confidence and progress, but it can also bring arrogance and over-reaching. However the 26th and 27th are very measured days of inspiration, common sense and also a sense of real achievement when will, hard work and belief combine successfully.

The new Moon falls on the 8th at 17/18° of Gemini and the full Moon falls on the 23rd at 2° of Capricorn. The full Moon marks the ending or closure of a chapter, reaping what we have sown, and the new Moon is an opportunity to plant new growth, metaphorically and literally.

ARIES March 21st - April 20th

June is a month when you can successfully negotiate yourself in and out of situations. It is a time for clear thinking and logic, and with your ruler Mars in your solar 3rd house, it is definitely giving you assertiveness in speech and writing that is effective and persuasive, particularly if born up to April 12th

However the news that Jupiter moves into Cancer this month from the 26th, where he will stay for a year, is also significant for your sign. He will be in square relationship. All of you over the next year at some point will be feeling extremely confident and maybe being very eager to move and have involvement in real estate transactions. That is fine, and it is a time for change and growth, but just be aware that you don’t push out the boat too far. Initially those affected will be those born around March 22nd/23rd.  Family celebrations and generosity is also in the air.  Enjoy Jupiter, but don’t let him allow you to forget a modicum of moderation.

For all born March 31st to April 4th, Uranus and Pluto are very much on your case. There is a huge among of restlessness for many of you. You are feeling agitated, desirous of liberty, feeling maverick and rebellious. You want to shake up the world and your life and you are feeling tense and on the edge of your seat. Just don’t make rash decisions. Change is going to happen, you just have to realise you can’t push the river too quickly. Hang loose, keep flexible, and see life as a journey.

Equally, for many of you there is a feeling of radical change to your status on some level. There is a necessary need to confront the endings of chapters, and to be aware of avoiding the abuse of power, either yours or others’, at all costs. This is a life-changing journey, an evolutionary journey of your soul. Trust it has a constructive, empowering purpose. It does.

TAURUS April 21ST - May 20th

 It is a time for rationalising finances and focusing on it, particularly as Mars in Gemini (your solar second house,) brings you a stronger sense of assertive, constructive energy to ensure economic safety.

However the good news is that Jupiter moves into compatible to your sign, Cancer on the 26th and for following 12 months, all of you will get a little bit of a fillip from his rays. Initially it is those born around April 20th/21st who will benefit. Basically, he is bringing greater sharpness to your perception and communication skills and giving an opportunity to grab hold of some ideas and thoughts that you can develop positively. It is also good around issues connected to siblings.

Mercury in Cancer all month is certainly enhancing your communication skills anyway, but from the 26th it is important to realise that all forms of communications, particularly relating to technology and when travelling, can be a little less than smooth-running, as Mercury will be retrograde and tends to promote a little unexpected frustration, usually with a purpose.

Saturn in Scorpio is now opposing the Suns of those born April 24th to 27th. The firm hand of blocks and restrictions is around, particularly from others. Travel does not feel comfortable and it can be for duty, and everything is slowed. Look after your body and get rest, but patiently persevere. Be aware of the significance of taskmasters now. This is a learning curve.

However for those born the first few days in May, Pluto is definitely on your side, empowering you and bringing real benefits from overseas and experiences and people who emanate from cultures other than your own. It is also excellent for academic excellence and empowered confidence and indeed a sense of destiny.

GEMINI May 21st - June 20th

Your month, so it is a time to shine and take the spotlight, and before the 3rd if born after June 17th, enjoy looking and feeling good and having the affections from others strewing your path.

However for all born up to June 13th, Mars in your sign makes you a force to be reckoned with. You will not take no for an answer and are no shrinking violet. There also may well be people who are quite challenging and who force you to stand up to be counted.

Before the 26th Jupiter spends his last few degrees in your sign, so all born after June 15th get a particular boost before he leaves. A boost in relationships, travel, growth and confidence is rubber-stamped before then. After the 26th when Jupiter moves into Cancer, there is a hint at quiet protection and support re finances for the coming year.

Uranus is an exciting influence now in his once every 42-year enhancement of the lives of those born June 1st to 4th. For this group, friends are enlighteners, awakeners and way-showers, and you have the ability to have insight and intuition to waken up groups to causes you believe in and you can be a leader for freedom. Your own uniqueness of intellect and influence can really set you free. New causes, new groups, new people, are all there to raise awareness and liberate life.

However if born May 26th to 28th, you are not necessarily seeing clearly re your professional situation and you may need to acknowledge and embrace some increased emotional sensitivity which can serve positively. Don’t be scared of this new dimension just, because you are used to being such a purely rational being.

The new Moon falls in your sign on the 8th, directly affecting those born June 8th to 11th. For this group, personal initiative and a sense of opening a different door can be very successful.

CANCER June 21st - July 21st

Great news :on the 26th Jupiter enters your sign for a whole year in his once every 12-year visitation.  He brings support and a boost to all. He expansion of one’s horizons, literally and metaphorically, growth, internal and external and is particularly good around health and work issues. Initially those benefiting will be very cuspal Cancers born around June 22nd/23rd.

Mercury in Cancer all month adds to intellectual prowess and communication skills. After the 26th when retrograde, it will be important for all to be aware that there can be delays and hiccups with transport, and technology, so have patience? Some delays are for a reason.

However many of you this month will be feeling reclusive, retreatist and wanting to commune only with self, but with Mars in Gemini, it’s important not to sit and seethe and not to resent. Passive aggression and passive resistance will not serve you well.

Between the 3rd and 27th when Venus is in Cancer, you can all experience a boost to either romantic or creative confidence. The power of the affections and aesthetics is strong.

All born between July 1st and 5th have the power of Uranus and Pluto challenging you. Uncertainty and restlessness in your professional life brings insecurity and although scared of change, you know it is inevitable. Do not be impulsive, and what you can’t control, trust will produce positive results even after some initial discomfort. There are people in your orbit who may misuse their power and it is important that you face and recognise the dark side of the human condition when you see it, both in self and others. Ensure your conscience is clear and your motive is good, even if others around you can’t say the same.

If born around June 26th to 28th allow your heart to open to the spiritual and the extra creative gifts bestowed.  Extra sensitivity now can only enhance life.

The Full moon on the 23rd targets those born round June 24th.It maybe a time to honour the power of relationship revolution

LEO July 22nd - August 22nd

Friendships are important this month and working in collaboration with others for a common goal can be successful, notably if born after August 16th and particularly so if achieved before the 26th. There is definitely a sense for this group that there is a rubber-stamping of benefits from others and a confidence to be able to move forward with their support.

For those born up to August 14th, Mars is giving you extra confidence and drive to achieve whatever you want to achieve, and with enhanced intelligence as part of the package.

However there is much emphasis on the sign Cancer this month, and Jupiter moves into Cancer for a year from the 26th. This shift is basically going to enhance your psychological sense of well-being. It brings behind-the-scenes bonuses; it is like a quiet guardian angel in operation and reversals in life work out to your advantage. This will very delicately touch all of over the next year. It is a very quiet note.

However for those born July 26th to 29th Saturn is still haunting you. Domestic and family issues are challenging and cannot be run away from. Tiredness and negative thinking are part of the journey, but actually what Saturn is forcing you to do is face some facts, and is also trying to encourage you to get on with the practical realities of life and to be mature and grounded. It is important to do the boring, and practical, if challenging things, that will give you better infrastructure. With Saturn it is all about deferred gratification.

Meanwhile, those born August 2nd to 6th have Uranus really giving a boost to overseas and academic issues, and allowing you to see outside the box, and to realise a much bigger picture consciousness than ever before. This is a time to take risks, be innovative, trust your own uniqueness and to reinvent your future with belief in self.

VIRGO August 23rd - September 21st

This month focuses on your reputation and career and professional issues for the positive, but beware if born before September 14th that there are people who are throwing their weight around at work who annoy, and you have to be careful that your high standards and perfectionism doesn’t irk others because there is potential for some irritated showdowns.

However with Jupiter enhancing the live of all those born September 16th to 21st, there is a feeling that confidence is strong enough to see you through, but avoid being cavalier.

Jupiter moving into Cancer on the 26th is positive for your sign as it is in compatible angle. It will enhance friendships and the happy pursuit of your hopes and wishes. Good contacts are coming your way and your leadership skills shine and ability to socialise with people of the same mind and purpose, as you will become a positive and strong experience over the next year. Initially those benefiting are early Virgos born around August 24th.

Between the 3rd and 27th when Venus is in Cancer, many of you feel the benefit of friendships and social life more than usually powerful in your life.

Mercury retrograde in Cancer from the 26th indicates, particularly for those born September 14th to 17th  that friends may seem flaky. This is temporary, but be sure your arrangements are understood otherwise you could end up in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Pluto is wondrously empowering now if born September 2nd to 5th. He brings huge confidence when it comes to romantic and creative issues and maybe powerful events related to offspring and the potential for mutual regeneration with those close, should not be underestimated.

If born August 28th to 30th, others around you maybe not be what they seem, and don’t project onto them what you wish. Check the small print, but if committed to artistic development, then this can be inspired, but don’t let hypersensitivity immobilise you. Neptune is at work.

LIBRA September 22nd - October 23rd

Trains, boats and planes await you, or at the least you are planning to board them, as this is a wonderful time for vacations, and much energy can successfully be put into this if born up to October 15th. It is also an extremely good time for academic pursuits with courage and energy and much potential and success, notably before the 26th if born after October 17th. For this group, this is a great month therefore for rubber-stamping goals to achieve re travel and intellectual progress.

After the 26th, Jupiter moves into Cancer for one year. That shift puts focus on luck, development and confidence being put more onto one’s public standing and status, at some point for all of you during the coming year, but it is not a direct influence.

For those born October 4th to 7th, Uranus and Pluto are very much in your face. The unexpected is in the air vis-à-vis relationships. Other people are not behaving predictably and they are making you insecure. They may in fact be kick-starting you into greater change because they need greater change. It is not a time for the same old same old to continue.

Pluto is slightly more challenging than that. There are potential power struggles with people, particularly in family or domestic circumstances and some endings of chapters are in the air. Financial challenges need to be faced full on. Draw boundaries when people are abusive and ensure that you do not do knee-jerk in reaction. This principle of survival is strong, as buttons are being pressed that can now feel slightly threatening and the dark has to be confronted so as to reach the light. Stop and count to ten before reacting to others. Do not be primeval in response. Your life will be changing and endings of chapter are in the air, but ultimately this is empowering. Just ensure your conscience is squeaky clean.

SCORPIO October 24th - November 21st

Jupiter’s move into Cancer on the 26th is a happy event for your sign, being a compatible water sign. For about a year, expanded travel and overseas contacts are beneficial and intellectual and philosophical pursuits are inspiring. There will be a general feeling of growth and seeing the world in a full and wise way. Luck and confidence inspire. Initially, those born at the beginning of Scorpio will benefit, around October 24th, but you will all have your turn.

However, also on the 26th, Mercury moves retrograde, suggesting that for those for whom travel is important this month, check schedules, as there is a possibility of delays/glitches and possibly there could be frustration getting you ideological ideas understood.

This month suggests some of you may have to focus on intense issues over money (not unusual for your sign) and one has to be very prepared to get even deeper re relationships.

Between the 3rd and 27th travel is on the agenda for all, particularly related to the arts and romance, but the focusing on rationalising finances before the 26th can really bear fruit.

Saturn in your sign is now haunting the lives of those born October 27th to 30th. For this group there is a need to face some karma and deal with facts and truths and do what is necessary. It’s a time to be mature in terms of facing up to the practical, logistical fact that need acknowledging and addressing. Doing the necessary, even if uncomfortable, brings rewards

Pluto, your ruling planet, is excellent in terms of his influence now, if born November 2nd to 5th.   He is offering you greater insight and the power of communication, and the power to transform your life through understanding and wisdom. Your cut-to-the-chase gift now is truly impressive in all communications.

SAGITTARIUS November 22nd - December1st

There is a lot going on re significant others this month as Gemini connects to your solar 7th house. If born after December 19th use the first 3 days of the month to rubber stamp romance, and indeed before the 26th if born after the 16th, Jupiter is bringing positive experiences with others very much into play. Travel and luck go hand-in-hand and meeting people from other countries can enrich life

However it is true also to say that if born up to December 11th there is also the possibility with Mars active, of potential confrontation with others, possibly because you are a little bit too full-on yourself and irritation may well be in the air with partners, so have a care.

The big news is Jupiter’s move into Cancer on the 26th, which for your sign suggests a beneficial and protective focus cast onto complex joint financial issues and intimacy.

Mercury moving retrograde also on the 26th warns however that one has to be very careful and read the small print on any financial transaction over the coming month..

Uranus is truly inspiring for those born December 3rd to 6th with opportunities coming your way to be confident and to take a leap into the future. It is also excellent for the artist and for those who seek excitement, adventure and more liberation in love life. It can also bring the unexpected re children in a positive way.

However if born around November 27th to 29th be aware that confusion is around and you need to be sure that you are seeing clearly, particularly re domestic, real estate and family issues.  Some sacrifices are in the air.

The new Moon falls on the 8th and directly affects those born December 9th to 12th. New chapters are starting, the time is right.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 19th

Good news; Jupiter moves into Cancer from the 26th, staying for a year. For your sign this brings opportunities for travel, growth and enhanced relationships. New life enhancing people also manifest, with foreign connections. The downside is that it may make you a little over-confident and some moderation may be needed, but largely this is a good transit for y

June is a focus on routine, clarification and rationalisation. However from the 26th, Mercury in Cancer moves retrograde correlating with Jupiter’s move to Cancer.  This suggests that after that date, despite Jupiter, there will be a need for 3 weeks to work harder on communications with others, particularly personally, as others are on a different page and there could be some aggravation from colleagues, but before the 26th work should be pretty plain-sailing.

Saturn your ruler is enhancing your energy if born around December 26th to 28th. He is bringing measured common sense and obligations to others are highlighted

However, if born January 1st to 4th, Uranus and Pluto are still challenging re domestic issues. You feel restless, nothing is secure, but above all you have a great desire to empower or to transform yourself, and it may involve assertion and boundary drawing that is necessary, but whatever you do, make sure that you recognise that the only true power that works for you is that which goes hand-in-hand with humility.

If born around December 27th to 29th, Neptune brings creative inspiration to your door. Music and dance and being near the sea can enhance your energies and your intellect is being softened by the power of your heart. The full moon falls in your sign on the 23rd directly affecting those born around January 14th.  Others bring events and words to your door that brings some maybe uncomfortable but important messages. Ends of chapters are signalled.

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

A very creative month is at hand for many of you and this is aided and abetted by Mars who is, particularly for those born up to February10th, giving great psychological and spiritual energy to back up your artistic and romantic goals.

If born after February 12th, Jupiter too is bringing bonuses in relationships and confidence and the good times are rolling.

However from the 26th when Jupiter moves into Cancer, the shift for many Aquarians will move more to the area of everyday routine work and health issues, which will get boosted by the benevolence of this planetary shift. Work conditions can improve and flourish

Meanwhile if born January 23rd to 28th, this is a time for a grown-up attention to what has to be faced up to and changed if necessary. Patience and self-discipline, particularly around work and profession, will be necessary now. Blocks and delays are there to teach you something. Look after the body and don’t kick the can of doing what is necessary, down the road. A time to bite bullets and to face facts and use any anxiety levels that manifest, as a motivation for constructive change.

After the 26th, Mercury retrograde in Cancer suggests that you need to pay close attention to making sure that messages get correctly transmitted to those that you work with, and it may seem that some may be reading from a different hymn sheet to you and get rest.

Uranus continues to energise a desire for greater liberation and daring if born January 30th to February 2nd. Your mind is finely tuned and your intuition is powerful, and eureka moments can abound. Your true Uranian (your Sun ruler) nature is being developed and the 17th/18th are excellent days in this respect.

PISCES. February 19th - March 20th

June tends to correlate with issues to do with home and family, and having to focus on duties there, and with Mars in Gemini, there is a distinct possibility for those born up to March 13th of some sort of war drum effect going on in relation to levels of intolerance and irritation, both from self and possibly from family members, or those you share house room with, so beware.

The big news however this month is that there is ingress of Jupiter into compatible to your sign Cancer on the 26th. From that point, for about a year, you will all benefit to some extent from the protective or growth-orientating rays of this planet. Initially it will only be those born at the very end of Aquarius/ beginning or Pisces who will benefit, i.e. those born around February 19th.  The benefits for you all will manifest in terms of creativity, romantic issues, enjoyment and children’s issues, as he is enhancing your solar 5th house of creativity, individuality and life-affirming energy. A bit of a party time, no less. Around the19th /20th is particularly powerful in this respect

Mercury moves retrograde on the 26th, which suggests that those born March 12th to 14th need to recognise, that romantic issues can suffer from some poor communication.

Neptune still continues to affect those born February 23rd to 25th in his very rare, once-in-a-lifetime manifestation. Dreams, ideals, escapism, inspiration, spirituality, hypersensitivity and confusion can abound, but remember that no matter how you experience this, it is about an on-going redemption.

Those born the first two days of March are being seriously empowered by Pluto. Leadership skills and a sense of having the power of service at your disposal to regenerate others should not be underestimated.