Saturday, 1 June 2013

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

A very creative month is at hand for many of you and this is aided and abetted by Mars who is, particularly for those born up to February10th, giving great psychological and spiritual energy to back up your artistic and romantic goals.

If born after February 12th, Jupiter too is bringing bonuses in relationships and confidence and the good times are rolling.

However from the 26th when Jupiter moves into Cancer, the shift for many Aquarians will move more to the area of everyday routine work and health issues, which will get boosted by the benevolence of this planetary shift. Work conditions can improve and flourish

Meanwhile if born January 23rd to 28th, this is a time for a grown-up attention to what has to be faced up to and changed if necessary. Patience and self-discipline, particularly around work and profession, will be necessary now. Blocks and delays are there to teach you something. Look after the body and don’t kick the can of doing what is necessary, down the road. A time to bite bullets and to face facts and use any anxiety levels that manifest, as a motivation for constructive change.

After the 26th, Mercury retrograde in Cancer suggests that you need to pay close attention to making sure that messages get correctly transmitted to those that you work with, and it may seem that some may be reading from a different hymn sheet to you and get rest.

Uranus continues to energise a desire for greater liberation and daring if born January 30th to February 2nd. Your mind is finely tuned and your intuition is powerful, and eureka moments can abound. Your true Uranian (your Sun ruler) nature is being developed and the 17th/18th are excellent days in this respect.

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