Many of you feel an urge to be very sociable along with a desire to work for the greater good in a collectively, but also with the desire to be quite retreatist and to contemplate your navel, and to look into your unconscious to gain solace. Mercury also moving retrograde from the 23rd brings a sense that the world seems a place that just is on a different page. Try and value communing with your own wisdom till the 17th.
However for most of the month you will be very popular and
in demand, even if a bit alienated, so it may be hard to be on your own, but
with Mars in your solar 12th house from the 2nd, it will
be important to remember not to sit on any anger and seethe, but to get it out
at the right place, at the right time, to the right person, if frustrated with
Jupiter however will be harmoniously advantaging all born
March 25th –29th.This Jupiter transit is enhancing your sense of grasping a
lucky opportunity, because of mental acuity. It is good for travel and
excellent for communications and getting listened to.
Uranus however is sitting absolutely on the Suns of this
same group, so although there is protection from Jupiter, there is the
unexpected, the unpredictable and the adrenalizing going on within and also
externally. Your rebellious, innovative side and the desire for freedom is on
fire. Just be careful about impulse and jumping out of a frying pan into a
fire, but liberty and freedom is demanded. See this as a journey, not an arrival/.
You have had this for around a year, but it is about to finish with a lucky
Pluto however is directly squaring those born March 30th
to April 2nd. For this group there are internal power struggles
within you and indeed with others possibly connected with career. It is a time
of critical change, endings and new beginnings. The aim of the game is to
empower you without your abuse of the power and to stand up to those who need
standing up to, but with dignity. You have to shine the light on the dark now
in order to regenerate yourself, which involves some self-analysis, even if
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