Sunday, 2 September 2012

September 2012 Astrological Overview

by Leigh Oswald (London-based Astrologer and Teacher)


Greece Back In Focus And The Middle East Is A Tinderbox

Mars now in Scorpio will bring to bear ruthless energies and there will be significant crises coming to rather dramatic denouements in the Middle East, Syria not least. This is the month of Virgo and Virgo is the sign that rules Greece and that country may well find itself significantly in the news again also as it is living on borrowed time in the Euro.

Uranus continues to square exactly, especially in the last half of the month, Pluto and this continues to the nth degree the ongoing almighty conflict on a global level between the peoples of the earth versus those who would misuse their power, whether that be economically or politically.

England, Cameron And The Chancellor Face Some Karma

Late month when Saturn comes to 29 degrees of Libra, it will be squaring Britain’s natal Venus to the exact degree and that would certainly indicate that both its economy and its international relations are rather at low ebb and some reality checks are definitely in the air. With Pluto hovering around the opposition to England’s Sun until December 2013, the ongoing demise of her world status will continue. Neptune is also by transit in conjunction with England’s Pluto in Pisces, which implies a gradual and ongoing dissolving of her power, leaving her by 2014 in a very different league. With Saturn now traversing her 7th house the country will be facing severe karmic reality checks and any generosity to those who are needy will be nipped in the bud by a ruthlessly driven ideology of stringency and austerity.

Jupiter in Gemini, which rules London, has because of the Olympics just created a temporary boost to England’s buoyancy, but this will be fleeting.  We have had the circus, now we need the bread.

David Cameron is having a little bit of a rough ride at the moment too with transiting Pluto squaring his Venus and transiting Uranus also opposing his Venus, which means that the unexpected, the unprepared and the ill-advised are haunting him, and even those who seem to be his allies, will be pulling some unexpected strategies that will seriously unnerve him, leading to a real loss of confidence next month. Also the ends of chapters are in the air for him, as power struggles erupt and it becomes clear to him that current economic policy is dying a death in terms of its credibility. Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand and eventually we have to learn humility to admit we may be wrong.   George Osborne (chancellor) who has 4 natal planets in stubborn Taurus and Mars in fixed Aquarius, squaring two of his Taurus planets, will be anything but flexible. Also his Sun in Gemini is currently being assaulted by Neptune, (once every 82 years) which will now slowly dissolve his position and public standing and will expose a mistaken value system/economic policy. By March 2013, he will probably be gone.

The Challenge For Obama Looms

Looking at Barak Obama’s chart, from October he is struggling under a very difficult Saturn transit that will last until January, which is quite a fierce reality check, corresponding as it does with the Presidential election. Although this does not necessarily indicate defeat, it is a tense time of seriously hard work, leading to him to desperately consolidate his resources and hold his nerve and yet be populist.

Days of some global reality checks financially are around the 3rd and days when people need to stop and think before they speak or write on an individual or even international level are around the 9th. Days of invention and eureka moments are around the 13th. The new Moon falls at 23º of Virgo on the 16thand the full Moon at 7º of Aries on the 30th.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th March)

Relationships are a focus. Do not give your power away but enjoy the benefits of others. Before the 6th all born after March 14th are able to celebrate to the nth degree your intrinsic creative and aesthetic tendencies. Your charms after the 6th can enhance work relationships.

Mars in Scorpio, for those born February 28th to March 18th is creating a Passionate drive. Constructive and determined energy that is almost ruthless can be evident. Enthusiastic travel is embarked upon for an ideological purpose, and a desire to study what one is passionate about can motivate

If born March 4th to 8th Jupiter is tempting self-indulgence, over-generosity and maybe some reckless, over-the-top spending, particularly domestically, so have a care.

Be aware that finances are under some stress because of unpredictable changes and your impulsive response and indeed there may be others with whom you share finances who are causing you headaches because of a different attitude, or they may even be grounding you.

Your ruling planet Neptune is now in his once in a lifetime visitation to the Suns of those born around February 19th/20th. For some time, this has been bringing an exquisite sense of Pisces dreaminess, idealism, creativity and negatively, potentially some escape and self-deception. The spiritual dimensions are powerful but keep grounded, but if a musicians or photographer you are blessed. The spirit of compassion and empathy is huge, but don’t become a martyr.

Meanwhile if born February 24th to 27th, a sense of strength, courage and ability to wield transformative magic for self and others is yours, an continues to till the year end.. Friends are powerful movers and shakers and your will, sense of destiny and determination is fired.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

September is a time when you have to get deep into things and really face some truths of life. The darker underbelly of the human condition often holds the key to light, although with Mercury in Libra many of you may also be finding solace in travel and in academic flying.

After the 6th many of you will be delighting in the power of positive relationships and basking in the glow of mutual affection. However Mars in Scorpio is not such good news for those born January 24th to February 14th.There is definitely some potential problems in your working environment, or at the very least with authority figures, Intransigent and possibly controlling energies, either your or others is around..  Impatience, anger and explosive situations are in the air. Something and somebody has got to give. It could be you; in fact it may need to be.

However those born February 2nd to 6th are currently basking in the glow of Jupiter’s influence providing a sense of fun, celebration of life, theatricality and extroversion, and love life and children’s issues are harmoniously expressed.

Meanwhile, those born after February 14th are having to work very hard and may have to travel for duty, but are being constructive and mature.

If born January 26th to 29th Uranus is creating intuitive intelligence and giving the ability to think outside the box and has a liberating effect. Uranus is your ruling planet so this makes you extra aware and wise and extra true to your Aquarian essence which is about being independent, wise, maverick if necessary and seeing very objective big picture.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

This is a great time for vacations as horizons call, and also a great time for getting your teeth stuck into higher wisdom and study, and communicating talents to others enhances status.

Before the 6th, all born after January 15th are magnets. Love life is enhanced and your warmth to others is reciprocated. After the 6th things get more intense, deep and rewarding.

Mars in Scorpio is a positive input if born after January 4th to 15th. There is a real drive to achieve, especially in concert with others and your leadership skills should not be underestimated. Your intelligence is incisive and your force of passion is moving to others.

Your ruler Saturn is rather oppressive now to the energies of those born after January 16th. Hard challenges in working life or from authority figures may create under-confidence and feeling beneath the wheel. Do what you have to; fight low self-esteem, look after the body and remember there is no pain, no gain with your karmic schoolteacher Saturn, so strong .

Uranus and Pluto are creating some serious universe-driven energy for those born December 28th to 31st. The force of power is with you, either yours or from other people, and you are tested for the wise and responsible use of power and to keep squeaky clean. Endings and new beginnings are around.  A sense of destiny is at work and this can be an evolutionary journey of the soul, profound, intense and not always comfortable, but ultimately empowering and transforming. However simultaneously the unexpected is around domestically. Shocks and surprises keep you on your toes and ultimately kick-start you into a bigger picture understanding and to take you away from destructive ruts.

Neptune is also on the case of those born December 24th, inspiring and empowering your heart and artistic talents, reducing your ego and giving you compassion and empathy. Spiritual dimensions can’t be ignored.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

You may be nesting this month and trying to happily put down roots, but friendships will also be proactive in life. Also there will be a very strong need to show generosity to others by helping them with their resources.

From the 6th, international and academic issues are strong, especially if it connects with romance: particularly true if born up to the 19th.

Mars however in your solar 12th house is a warning not to sit on anger or resentment, but to express your grievances as they happen to the right person at the right place, otherwise a pressure cooker effect explodes.

Blessed are those born December 6th to 10th as Jupiter is opposing your Sun, bringing bonuses from others with wisdom and from foreign climes. However there is a danger of over-expanding, over-extending to others and possibly over-trusting, and being encouraged to rash, over-optimistic behaviour, but with care, it can be rather an enjoyable time.

If born after December 15th, you in a hard-working period. Responsibilities and duties to groups and friends may be something you cannot avoid, but bring satisfaction.

If born the last two days of November, there is still a great drive from Uranus to have excitement and innovation in your romantic and creative life. Trust your intuition and seek some adventure.

However if born around November 23rd, confusion is in the air.There is an element of deception and self-deception around you and you may feel all at sea on a foggy night without a compass. The old is dissolving and the new is being born, and you need to be patient to let it be in its own time. You cannot push the river. Meanwhile, dance, listen to music and sing.

Scorpio (October 24th - November 21st)

Leadership abilities are shining now, but you may well also be involved in some behind-the-scenes negotiations, and private communications could be valuable. If born before the 6th love and life and travel can go hand-in-hand if born after November 14th, and the love of travel is also very much in the air. After the 6th many of you will be shining at work as your charismatic charms are put in force.

Mars is powerfully in your sign, affecting directly all those born October 28th to November 18th. He is bringing to this group an extra Scorpionic intensity, drive, and desire, even obsession. No-one is going to get in your way, but just be careful that your ruthlessness does not backfire and that a tendency to rather cruel or revengeful behaviour does not get the better of you. Stop and think.

For those born at the very beginning of Scorpio, around October 24th/25th Neptune is wielding a very harmonious spiritual and creative influence on you. He is bringing extra emotional input, sensitivity and compassion in your love life and needing a soul mate will become more important. Also relationships with siblings can be enhanced through real empathy and real connection. Creatively this is magnificent and one of the most powerfully inspiring periods. Time spent with the arts, near the sea or listening to music is totally invaluable.

If born after October 29th until November 1st, your ruling planet Pluto is seriously enhancing your Scorpionic strengths. He is bringing intense intellectual insight, cut to the chase wisdom and the power of communication through the written and spoken work, and the ripples go far. You command attention now and extra intelligence and profound wisdom is yours.