Welcome to 2013. We are of course
still here, but let’s hope the Mayans were on to something with the start of
their new calendar cycle. Apocalyptic
prophecies are part of the human condition and implied in the scriptures. Right
now in history, we are really primed to embrace such concepts, as we all
collectively feel the global mess, and are all too aware of the dark side of
collective and individual human energy, deep in our psyche. It is therefore
very human to look for a sort of Salvationism so as to avert an apocalypse,
which so many issues and conditions (economic /social/climactic) in the world
seem to be pointing to. Collective
Apocalyptic notions are in effect a psychological safety valve to prompt a mass
change of consciousness…motivated by fear. Maybe that is a good thing. All religion is based on the concepts of
redemption by addressing our evils and overcoming them in order to save
oneself. From a secular stance, we need to mobilise ourselves to make changes
that are actually just logical.
We need a revolutionary new
consciousness, to suit completely unique times. The old defunct socio/economic
template imposed by the powers that be (and colluded with by many) just does
not cut it any more. It just makes it all worse.
This year the only significant
planetary shift is when Jupiter departs Gemini (where it will have been for a
year) and enters into Cancer on June 25th/26th, a sign it will move
through also for just over a year. Cancer is the USA sign (and new York),
bringing a note of optimism across the Atlantic. Jupiter in Cancer focuses on
emotions and family consciousness and values the power of nurturing. It is also
very protectionist economically, by instinct.
Now that Uranus is direct again from the 13th of
last month, a tension will slowly build and culminate in Summer that is
generated by the ongoing clash, (strongly yet again), between Uranus, which is
about freedom and liberation: the power of a rebellious populous, versus the
power of Pluto in Capricorn which is the establishment and the prevailing
powers that be: the status quo. We should expect a year of continued revolution
and unrest in the world and that will not be confined to the Middle East; it
will be global.
Civil unrest will show itself across Europe as the summer
gets underway, as Neo Liberalism proves its total contradictions and
destructive power, as it blindly pursues the old monstrous model of the last
20-30 years. Faith in the free market has and will continue to prove totally
erroneous. Left and right have embraced a model that is not evidence
based. Self-serving capitalism which
treats people as currency and which has no social conscience, has to be
rethought, restructured and balanced and returned to its original intent: with
all people at the centre of the model. People know this collectively in their
waters and that is what Uranus square Pluto is indicating. Carrying on in the current path will lead to
total meltdown of an existential sort and this year will truly start to reveal
this. Climate change is here right now and governments will be forced over the
coming years to deal with continued crisis about the physical survival of the
populace, the infrastructure and food supply.
Forget growth and consumer titillation!
Between now and 2025, while Pluto continues to course through Capricorn,
the system will continue to melt down, till there will be a no choice
realisation of a fundamental need for a root and branch rethink of values. Necessity will be the mother of
invention. However beware heavy-handed
repressions by powerful players before then.
Meanwhile China (Libra) is ever increasingly and rather
quietly making inroads into many countries, buying up and controlling their
land and resources, and mass exporting their goods to countries, who can no
longer afford to buy these goods because there is no manufacturing base left in
their own country to supply the jobs or money to buy them. Many in China cannot
themselves afford the goods they manufacture, except the increasingly wealthy
very few. A time bomb lies under the Chinese political hybrid system and Uranus
in Aries (opposing Libran energy) and Pluto in Capricorn (squaring it) will
ensure this time bomb will explode over the next few years. Many provinces are
racking up serious debt and environmental problems become more intense. This is
the Chinese year of the Snake, apparently very difficult for some, while very
lucky for others. Indeed the rapid extreme polarising of Chinese society would
seem to back that up.
Meanwhile severely
endangered African elephants are at the mercy of wealthy Chinese consortiums
who organise the shooting of the elephants from aircraft for looting of their
ivory tusks (ivory is a status symbol in China) and who successfully bribe the
rangers (there to protect the elephants from poachers) to turn a blind eye to,
or even cooperate in the slaughter.
Such arrogant disregard for precious and increasingly rare life and
nature on the altar of money is the apotheosis of the worse of capitalism (and
As Bertrand Russell pointed out, when it comes to the
natural world and its creatures, the message for us humans is simple “it’s
coexistence or no existence” and it is true on so many levels, that every time
we damage the natural world, we damage our selves.
Because China has developed the modern capitalist model
system so quickly and extremely, its problems will be equally quick and
intense. The worship of status, money and consumer goods in much of rapidly
growing developed China now, is quite without restraint.
The worse excesses of capitalism over the last 20 years or
so, has thrived by exploiting people’s insecurities. What people need has all
too often been eclipsed by what they want.
Neptune in Pisces will focus on water issues globally: too
much (floods) or too little (drought). The seas are dying and levels are rising
and warming is creating shifts of incalculable proportions. Neptune in Pisces (the fish is the symbol of
Christianity) is also bringing confusion and meltdown in establishment
religion. Factionism reigns over the question of ordination of women as bishops
in the Anglican Church and in relation to gay marriage. All is at sea… and
again Uranus and his desire to innovate and create freedom is at odds with the
bastions of intransigent tradition and power (Pluto in Capricorn).
Positively Neptune in Pisces will also bring a desire to get
back to basics in relation to mans’ need, of necessity to reach out as a force
for love, care, compassion and humility, as it is logical for survival, to
reach out as a community and help each other. To combat domination of
multinational monopolies, we need more localism and Neptune in Pisces will
rekindle community consciousness, which will be born out of necessity.
Compassion without ego is the redemptive goal of Neptune in Pisces.
Politicians are increasingly pushing their own ideological
non-evidence based policies; and the world of detached critical thinking, (the
goal of education) and objective academic research is marginalized on the altar
of egos, money, prejudice and power. Indeed education itself (at least in the
UK) has become a mere market force in the hands of politicians. It is fast
becoming a tool to feed the economy and to mould our offspring to its needs.
Mars all this month is in Aquarius (ruler of Aquarius) and
this alone will bring rumblings of discontent, and an intransigent adherence to
principles; both the ideological principles of politicians and in the
determined desire for justice amongst citizens. The huge increase in the need
for food banks for the poor, not least in the UK (many of whom are the working
poor, not shirkers or skivers, as many in power would have us believe, and
whose wages are just completely inadequate for the ever increasing housing/food
and utility costs) is indicative of the fundamental trouble brewing in society.
Saturn (difficult reality checks) is now Scorpio. In Syria
(Scorpio country) factionist increasingly exists within the rebel’s camp and abuses
of power by some of these, is creating anarchy and reveals a human nature that
is all too prone to grab power and then abuse it. When people fight abuse of
power, it is all too often the case that they eventually start emulating the
same behaviour that they are fighting and eventually seek power for their own
gratuitous ends. It seems that those who seek power are often the ones who
should not have it.
History is indeed a graveyard of aristocracies.
Jupiter also moves direct on January 30th from
Gemini which will be a bonus for the world of ideas and innovation, and the
power of intellect presiding without a blind ideology.
The year opens with Mars sextile Uranus, which is a positive
note of intelligent innovation, technologically and socially, and the sextile
of Saturn to Pluto in the first week will certainly bring concrete measures to
restrict and limit abusers of power, particularly financial power.
Very positive days are the 4th, 23rd
and 26th when Jupiter is activated. Days of slowdown and restriction
and reality checks are around the 7th and 31st, when
Saturn gets his way and days of powerful communications that resonate are
around the 6th and 17th when Pluto is underlined and some
unexpected geophysical shocks are possible around the 12th when
Uranus is in evidence
The new Moon falls on the 11th at 21º of Capricorn and the full Moon
falls on the 27th at 7º
of Leo.