Your sign can sometimes neglect, or be careless over
finances, but before the 19th it is a very good time to secure and
negotiate situations to your advantage fiscally. After the 19th your
mind and communication skills are powerful as is your ability to think
intuitively and impressively outside the box, so enjoy!
Before the 9th all born after December 10th
have the power of Venus on your side, giving charisma, charm, and a general
“good hair” period and bringing love to your life, because your own loving
nature is strong at this time. Because
you look good, feel good and offer love to others then , you are advantaged.
After the 9th charms enhance financial potential for all.
For all born after November 28th Mars is aiding
and abetting intellect with power all month. Objective, big-picture wisdom
affectively expressed is yours.
Jupiter of course in your opposite sign of Gemini is
bringing bonuses from others, specifically if born November 28th to
December 1st. You are generous and larger-than-life people are in
your life. Just don’t let over-confidence and OTT behaviour spoil this positive
period. After the 30th blocks in relationships dissolve.
All Sagittarians need to remember currently with Saturn in
Scorpio not to sit on problems. Share – you will be surprised at the help you
Meanwhile those born November 25th to 27th
are looking for uniqueness and innovation in their lives, particularly
romantically, and creatively this is a time for invention and lateral thinking.
Confidence to be uniquely you without approval is yours, but if born November
23rd/24th, be aware that the power of Neptune is still
fogging your perception.
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