The month of January correlates in energy with your home and
is often a time to revamp and rethink, and also communications with family can
be powerful and positive. After the 9th all born up to October 20th
have a particularly good aesthetic sense in home décor.
Mars in Aquarius works very well for all born after
September 26th. He gives a lot of power and constructive energy to
all creative pursuits. It is also a sociable influence and you won’t take no
for an answer. The power of life/love and creativity is strong and positive.
Jupiter is also well disposed now towards those born
September 29th to October 2nd. It is excellent for travel
but also for a feeling of luck, well-being and growth, especially after the 30th
when Jupiter moves direct.
A serious acquisition of money is possible for many of you
currently because of wise austerity or wise investment.
All born September 26th to 29th
however have Uranus creating a lot of unexpected input from others who will be
rocking the boat, however it is also an opportunity for this group to see how
their own life can be liberated. Others
are definite catalysts for innovative change in your life now, even if it does
feel a little scary.
However if born October 2nd to 5th
Pluto is on your case. There are forces at work that are explosive. A
pressure-cooker is exploding somewhere within you, but it might be stimulated
by external events. It is a fated time when one has to face some endings of
chapters in order to empower you and create a resurrection of some sort. This
has been waiting to happen, and although uncomfortable, it needs embracing in a
conscious, controlled way.
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