by Leigh Oswald
(London-based Astrologer and Teacher)
Very late last
month, Jupiter, the USA ruling planet, was sitting right on the Sun of the USA
birth chart, giving confidence and an expansive mood and a will to make a
heroic mark on the world In foreign policy. Hence its proposed intervention in
Syria. However In the mid two weeks of September, Obama’s chart is very
difficult, with serious reality checks being indicated in any foreign venture
(Saturn conjuncts his Neptune in his 9th house). Saturn however is
exactly sextiling Pluto between the 18th and 23rd which
is a stabilising influence and acts as a window of opportunity to combine power
that is quite significant in terms of its transformational ability within
structured systems. In others words the establishment can, for once, be guided
by intelligent and wise use of power. Certain big players on the world stage
however will need to seriously hold their nerve with great wisdom and indeed
selective restraint, but intransigence is also concomitantly dangerously rife
this month.
International involvement In Syria’s tragic circumstances
are indeed indicated during this planetary line up. The saving grace is that
authority figures in powerful international positions (Saturn) however will be
motivated genuinely to use their own power (Pluto) in some way, to limit abuse
of power by others. But of course, ironic unintended consequences are as
probably inevitable, as the human condition, is flawed and so largely
spiritually bankrupt when politicised/economic power is at work.
Meanwhile the British government has had to bow to powerful
democratic pressures and Cameron has been forced to abandon (just as Saturn squared his Moon) his
bombastic ideas of joining the U.S. in military action against the Assad
regime. Pluto is now sitting right on
England’s chart natal Sun and Midheaven (every 248 Years) indicating a real
meltdown of her old colonial/imperialist sense of worldly influence and with
Neptune conjunct England’s natal Pluto also right now (once every 165 years), a
dissolving of her old traditional power on the world stage is definitely
underway. Humility is needed..
The England chart also shows a very tricky mid September,
suggesting that trouble and strife may be home grown.
Very turbulent days are indeed likely to be around 15th
and 16th when Mercury exactly opposes Uranus and squares Pluto. The
unexpected is in the air, geo physically and geopolitically. Misuse of power
and impulse can prove dangerous, particularly also in Egypt (Libra) and with
Mercury in Libra from the 9th that country is more vulnerable.
Uranus being in the opposite sign to Libra will imply that Libra nations are
going through a period of turbulence (including China) and a path to a new
future is strewn with chaos, and of course, Pluto is also squaring Libra still
from Capricorn. Power struggles simply dominate the planet. Factionism also
rules and complicates. Neptune so strong now in Pisces, will very likely bring
religious martyrdom as a lethal weapon into conflicts.
It is also interesting that Brazil (Virgo country) is in
some social chaos, as many in that country are rejecting the results of its
recent economic boom, (now faltering) as the fruits of this and the effects on
its society have been seen as divisive and destructive, destroying the soul of
the country in the eyes of many of its people.. Neptune in Pisces opposing
Virgo now, (every 165 years) is a force
calling for a need for a shift in values. Rampant unchecked capitalism is felt
in the bones and the waters of many, to be a force for destruction and
division. The so called emerging
economies, including India (Capricorn) are seeing a significant slow down,
because we have to learn that the capitalism we have engendered in the last 30
years, is just not sustainable… which Pluto in Capricorn has been flagging up
loud and clear since 2007/08
Neptune, positively, now calls for redemption and a
On the plus side (ha!), the arts are favoured this month
with Mars in Leo. Energy put into the creative font will be well used. Positive days are around the 6th
and 7th and the 26th/27th when some harmony is in the air courtesy
of benign Jupiter input..
The new Moon falls on the 5th at 13° of Virgo and
the full Moon falls on the 19th at 26° of Pisces. The old
agricultural law of sowing on the new Moon and reaping on the full Moon is as
true metaphorically in our lives, as it is in the cycles of crop growth and
change. We reap what we sow.
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