Tuesday, 1 October 2013

PISCES February 19th - 20th March

This a time when you can very proactively focus on rationalising complex financial issues, and there is a need for many of you to be cautious around the 3rd and 4th when the unexpected re finances can be a little disorientating, but the 25th and 26th can be inspiring, notably money wise. Also it is a time for intensity in relationships –nothing shallow will do.

Mercury in Scorpio all month points to enhanced learning, especially for all born up to March 10th. Intellectual focus and a more super conscious awareness grow successfully. Travel too inspires

However on the 21st Mercury moves retrograde, which suggests that before that date things that need clarity and communications that need to be accurate should be made before then. Thereafter, confusion and delay can reign. It is also, after the 21st possible that travel will be problematic, in terms of delays etc.

Venus in Scorpio is a very romantic input, particularly if combined with education and travel, for all born after March 12th.

After the 15th if born any time up to March 1st, beware that there will be some assertive people around. War drums are audible and irritations can present themselves. Over-assertiveness is in the air in relationships.

Jupiter enhances the lives now of those born March 8th to 11th, bringing creative ability, fun,  a party spirit and romantic bonuses.

Saturn brings a measured seriousness if born March 1st to 5th. Travel can be dutiful, learning and focus is needed for long-term gain, and Pluto continues to empower all born February 28th and March 1st especially in a group situation and your determination and incisive intelligence gets you heard. If born Feb. 21-24th, Neptune’s powerful influence now warns of keeping grounded whilst using your hypersensitivity to enhance the planet,

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