Sunday, 1 December 2013


 by Leigh Oswald (London-based Astrologer and Teacher)

This is quite a powerful month in terms of outer planetary activity, which tends to affect us all.  The outer planets (Uranus Neptune and Pluto) are big picture movers and shakers globally, not just personally. It is the last half of the month that this activity is activated. Mars is often a trigger planet to such activity.

As the month moves towards Xmas, a potent cardinal (proactive) T square is formed: Mars opposes Uranus, with both these planets, in turn, square to a conjunction of the Sun, Pluto and Mercury. That is awesomely powerful and not a little uncomfortable and marks a very powerful end of the year and the beginning of a new one in a rather intense and uncomfortable way, even possibly a little explosively, both in our personal lives and geophysically and geopolitically. Basically therefore the last week of the month does not feel quite so serene as maybe one would wish.  Even Jupiter in Cancer is in on the act, creating a grand cross pattern, which suggests a contributing lack of restraint and even an arrogance of action on the world stage. 

Venus moves retrograde on the 21st in Sagittarius. When Venus moves retrograde, this is always a time when one should stop and take stock of one’s value systems, and it also a time when one needs to take stock of one’s affections. Retrograde planets make us reflect on the real meaning of things and review where we have got things wrong. It is also a time when we have to give more than we get back and a time when some soul-searching is necessary. As Venus rules not only love, but also money, it is possible that after the 21st some powerful economic issues/pathologies will manifest that force us all to look again at just what really matters. Venus will remain retrograde from the 21st until January 31st.

Uranus will be moving direct on the 17th having been retrograde since July 17th. When Uranus is direct, there is a feeling that we start to understand and see a speed-up of the necessity for change and it may well bring a sense that the populace may become more obviously united with any grievances that the collective holds; and more forceful in their desire to be heard.

The new Moon falls on the 2nd/3rd at 11°of Sagittarius and the full Moon falls on the 17th at 25° of Gemini. The new Moon always indicates a new start and augurs well for initiating activities, whereas the full Moon represents a closure. We sow on the new and we reap on the full.

Have a good holiday season, despite the not so benign influences at work; and use it as a time of deeper reflection on the bigger picture, as the planets suggest we really should.

ARIES March 21st - April 20th

This is a great month for travel and holidays. Indeed for many of you love life and travel go together, notably if born after April 10th with profounder influence coming after the 21st.

Excellent communications long-distance exist for all between the 5th and 24th and good academic inspiration is in the air too.

After the 5th, all born up to April 3rd have Mars in their solar 2nd house, suggesting that there may be some war drums in the air. People are no pushovers and you will have to be very careful that you get that fine balance between self-assertion and self-surrender with others.

Jupiter tempts all born April 5th to 10th to being a little OTT in behaviour and some moderation is wise. The good times roll but there can be excess and the season may encourage that, particularly on the domestic front, and over-generosity, can be later regretted.

Uranus is finalising his18 month effect on the Sun of those born March 28th to 30th. This every 84 year hit from Uranus has being playing havoc with your life, but has also awakened and enlightened you and kick-started you into a freer future. This journey is over by January and you should have a glimpse now of where it has taken you. You are not in the same place you were prior to June 2012, internally or externally. You are now freer and truer to self.

Pluto by contrast, is still challenging the energy of those born March 30th to April 2nd. This has been a protracted period of power struggles, possibly in terms of your career or professional standings, power struggles that have come from deep within yourself as you struggle to find the independence and transformation you crave, while others have been coercive and controlling which may have attracted the same behaviour in you. This is now a time for great consciousness and to ensure your motive for your own power and independence is wise and good. Avoid those who do not have good motives.

TAURUS April 21ST - May 20th

December is a period for Taureans to be very serious, intense, deep and philosophical about life. It involves a time when you have to contemplate the profounder issues of relationships and in some way give oneself away for others. Excellent communications can be achieved with those close before the 5th if born after May 14th. Finances are high profile after the 5th and before the 24th, and if born up to May 2nd,. After the 24th during Xmas, there is great deal of communication harmony, notably if born up to May 3rd and especially if away from home .

Many of you will also be feeling after the 21st especially, a sense of specialness about close relationships.

Much constructive energy and drive can be put into life before the 5th if born after May 16th as Mars is giving wise energy.

Jupiter is also favouring all born May 6th to 11th. He brings contentment, wisdom and generosity and good will.

There is however an overlap with those born May 7th to 12th who have Saturn opposing their Suns. Some oppression, some reality checks are in the air, but Jupiter is certainly taking the edge off and providing a cavalry effect.

Neptune is finalising his sensitising of the souls of all born April 25-26th, after nearly 2 years of influence. The arts /music /the sea have inspired and your ability to feel others pain has increased, bringing a softer heart and more creative and spiritual inspiration. Ego has diminished.

Pluto is bringing a particular sense of will, courage and insight for all born April 29th to May 3rd. This very rare transit is creating for some time to come, a sense of courage, higher wisdom and a sense of self-regeneration and reinvention in achieving what needs to be achieved, and long-distance issues particularly are empowering, as are metaphysical issues.

GEMINI May 21st - June 20th

This month is a powerful one for all relationship issues, the sign of Sagittarius being dominant, ruling your opposite sign of relationships. Indeed if born any time after June 11th, romance, joy, happiness, harmony and beauty are all very powerfully infused in your life, and after the 21st, your connection with others is deep and compassionate and is reciprocated.

Note that, all born after June 13th should use before the 5th to get things communicated well and effectively.

However, before the 5th if born after June 15th, there will be some disruption on the home front by those who may well be a little less than tolerant, and after the 5th if born up to June 4th, you may well be in predatory mode when it comes to romance.

Those born May 28th to 30th have Uranus finalising his visitation by sextile your Sun. for 18 months he has been encouraging you to grow, experiment, liberate, experience new people and ideas and philosophies, and this is now coming to fruition. Your consciousness is larger and your sense of unique authenticity is now stronger and liberated.

Neptune is bringing confusion or disaffection (probably in career) to a final conclusion now, if born May 23rd to 26th. Clarity appears very early next year. The message of this foggy journey becomes clear then and your heart is now more operative as an influence in your being, and probably for life.

The new Moon on the 2nd./3rd , encourages then those born around June 2nd to feel a sense of a new start re others., whilst if born around June 8th, the full Moon on the17th, may sense that you cannot then ignore a truth within your self, re another  and it will not be silenced.  Confronting this is more constructive than repressing it, provided you have a little self control.

CANCER June 21st - July 21st

Despite the season, you can’t ignore work this month. There’s a need to rationalise life in terms of organisation and structure, and for many of you, love life and profession can merge.

After the 24th if born to July 4th, you have a great ability to harmonise life through brilliant communications with loved ones.

However if born before July 5th you have from the 5th, a sense that others connected to home, family or who you share house space with, may be a little obstructive and you yourself may well have to be wary of being a bull, or shall we say crab, in a china shop.

However Jupiter is still in your sign, bringing his once every 12 year blessings now to all those born July 7th to 13th,This group are helped now in terms of health issues, luck, prosperity, inner or outer growth and a sense of well-being and generosity. But because Saturn is also affecting this same group in a positive way, there is also discipline and self-control thrown into the mix, enough to bring out the best in this combination of these planetary influences..

However if born at the very end of June, Uranus is just coming to the end of a 18-month transit which has been very disruptive particularly re position and career. Uncertainty, desire for change, insecurity and unpredictability have all been in the air. It has been a roller coaster. This, you will be glad to know, is all coming to a close, and hopefully you will now have a glimpse of where the new chapter is taking you. Also, if born July 1st to 4th Pluto is still bringing others into your path who are challenging even coercive and you need to avoid the same behaviour in self. Recognise the dark in others and self and work with consciousness to reach the light on the other side.

Neptune if born June 23rd to 26th is inspiring you spiritually and from long distance sources.. . You are after this 2-year influence, now a more sensitive and spiritually inspired person  

LEO July 22nd - August 22nd

This is an appropriately celebratory month with much emphasis on love life and one’s offspring. Between the 5th and 24th communications with those in a romantic context and with one’s children, can be especially fruitful. Creatively it is also powerful and your unique qualities are to the fore and shining

However, importantly all born after August 13th, have Venus especially inspiring Cupid’s power. Love, affection, generosity and creative harmony are yours and after the 21st this becomes quite profound in its effects when Venus moves retrograde. In fact you may really understand then that there is a very special purposeful meaning to a relationship than you realised, with maybe a karmic connotation.

Some vital attention may well need to be expended on finances before the 5th. However after that date, if born up to August 6th your will and determination is indomitable. Also your intellect is shrewd, fair and effective when communicating. Siblings are positive connections too

However Saturn has his cold hand a little on the shoulders of those born August 9th to 14th. He is demanding his pound of flesh and making you focus on the necessary in life and to do with discipline and patience in terms of what has to be done. It will also remind you that you are not getting any younger and to look after the vessel in which you live.  Family may feel demanding, but they really may have your own welfare in mind.

Uranus is directly affecting those born July 31st to August 2nd, inspiring sudden travel and surprise intellectual insights and philosophical wisdom, and also giving you a yearning for a new freedom and a new authenticity. This has been true for well over a year and is now coming to a close. The time is right to rubber-stamp the enlightened journey.

VIRGO August 23rd - September 21st

Domesticity calls. Issues to do with real estate, family and home are very high on the agenda. If born after September 15th use the first five days to impress with communications and with making good decisions, and then up to the 24th family communications are powerful and meaningful.

After the 24th during the Christmas period, if born up to September 5th the party spirit flows and many of you will be in very self-indulgent mode all month, although after the 21st if born after September 13th there may be a pause for some of the more profound emotions of life.

Mars is in your sign before the 5th suggesting that in those first five days, for all born after September 18th there will be forces to be reckoned with. Your drive, will, ambition and assertiveness will almost be taking you by surprise and be aware that other people are no pushovers at that time, notably in matters relating to financial dealings.

For those born September 8th to 13th there is a special boost from the power of friendships this month. Social life and contacts prove especially valuable and this same group also have a great measured ability to make wise judgements.

If born September 2nd to 5th then Pluto is seriously powerful in relationship to love life, offspring issues and creative power. This is a very constructive time when a sense of transformation, regeneration and destiny is in the air. You have no choice but to take advantage of a new and self-reinventive power in this area of life.

Meanwhile Neptune is finishing his long 2 year haul of opposing the Suns of those born August 25th-28th. Others are elusive, and there is a very gradual dissolving of ties with others Beware others being slightly less that straight with you and also beware of the seductive power of wishful thinking re others.  However enjoy your extra empathy, which others love.

LIBRA September 22nd - October 23rd .

Take advantage of a powerful intellectual talent this month when you can combine heart with head effectively, notably if born after October 14th. There is much joy in the air

Up to the 5th, all born up to October 7th have Mars in your own sign, directly affecting you and implying a powerful will, energy and drive to achieve what you want to achieve, but as usual you can be an iron fist in a velvet glove and achieve without much opposition, although others’ power may well be obvious to you as well.

Those born October 9th to 14th need to be aware that Jupiter is encouraging a lack of moderation. A little bit of arrogance and complacency can be problematic but the good times do roll. Do not be over-confident at work either.

If born October 1st to 3rd be aware that others are creating a lack of security in your life and are behaving unpredictably. You cannot rely on the dependability of others. They are shaking up your life a little, and if you but knew it, it is ultimately for a good reason. Others are often ships in the night now, but exciting ones rather than permanent fixtures.   Uranus is simply bringing you a message that is designed to awaken you to different viewpoints and roads ahead.

Pluto is also creating quite a rare and serious challenge that can be empowering, to all born October 2nd to 5th. There is a desire to struggle against oppression, especially in a domestic environment. The struggle is within your self, but an agent outside yourself can trigger it. Buttons are being pressed tat can make you feel quite volcanic in temper.. Dig deep to discover the roots of this energy, be conscious and recognise that this is a drive to find your own power, and ensure it is for the greater good.

SCORPIO October 24th - November 21st

This is a time to keep an eye on finances, as Yuletide spending can carry you away. Generosity is strong, but keep perspective. There is certainly a strong feel-good factor when it comes to finances, notably if born after November 13th, although your value system may be a little challenged from the 21st., when you need to be aware of the downside of overvaluing money.

Before the 5th if born after November 18th Mars ensures that you are a power to be reckoned with, in a very constructive way when dealing with others and your wisdom is well directed.
After the 5th many of you may find that resentments build up, if sat on, can be poisonous. Do not seethe as it only exacerbates the problem

If born November 8th to 14th, Jupiter is promising exciting travel, if chosen. Long-distance issues provide wisdom and joy. Luck is around you as is benevolence. However this same group have Saturn sitting on their Sun, so Jupiter can acts as a cavalry effect. In fact all born November 9th to 14th are experiencing a strong sense of karma, responsibility, obligation and some reality checks that need to be faced. Some tiredness and a very serious tone in life needs honouring and respecting, also looking after the body and accepting difficult tasks.

Neptune is harmonising with the Suns now of those born October 25th-28th. This long running aspect is nearly over. It has inspired creativity, compassion and lowered the ego concerns and it has also opened up a stronger sense of the spiritual and an awareness of the intangible in life in a positive way.

Your ruler Pluto however is directly affecting those born November 2nd to 5th, empowering this group with forensic insight and communications that really get noted. Do not underestimate your determination and power, which need using wisely.

SAGITTARIUS November 22nd - December 21st

This is your month and with Venus and Mercury in your sign as well as the Sun, this really is a full-on period. Between the 5th and the 24th your communications and intellect are powerful and if born December 12th to 21st love life is very much a priority, although after the 21st you may feel the need for more profundity in that particular emotion.

Before the 5th, if born after December 17th have a care at work where things are not so calm, and you can be irritated and volatile, but after that date, all born up to December 5th have an equilibrium that is impressive when working with others.

If born around November 30th to December 2nd, Uranus is on your side, inspiring and exciting you re romance and children’s issues and this influence is allowing you new freedom, as the future looks more interesting, notably after the 17th,

If born November 24th to 26th, beware that you are still uncertain in your goals and confusion is still very much around. Make no definitive decisions.  Ideals and wishful thinking and projecting onto others what you wish to see, can be a tricky and misleading tendency.  However selflessly helping those who really need help can be a natural instinct when under this influence, but beware lame ducks being totally dependent on you. Don’t be the martyr.

The New moon falls in your sign on the 2nd/3rd, which is directly focusing on those born around December 3/4th.For this group; this period heralds a sense of a really new start in terms of cementing relationships and for initiating exciting new beginnings.  You will be sowing new seeds. If born around December 17th-19th, the Full moon on the 17th, suggests that this will be a time when certain issues with others are ripe for eruption. The unconscious will not be quieted 

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 19th

Before the 21st the Sun in Sagittarius suggests a time when you may want to hunker down and be a little private and escape the world. A bit of meditation is a positive thing, although before the 5th friends can be very understanding and communicative if born after January 14th.

Between the 5th and 24th communications in private and much private thinking can be progressive and empowering, and after the 24th if born up to January 3rd will be much more high profile with your communication skills and your mind will be sharp and affective.

Many of you will be reviewing much in love life in a very private way and good done for others behind-the-scenes with sensitivity, notably after the 21st, serves you well in  relationships.

Before the 5th all born after January 16th can experience successful long-distance dealings and courage is strong, and after the 5th you will have a certain amount of a sense of responsibility and drive in terms of career and status.

All born January 6th to 11th have Jupiter enhancing relationships, bringing good new people into your life, foreign connections, good news and there is a mutual advantage to be gained in all relationships, and your generosity and openness is strong. This will be combined with a mature sense of obligation, duty and reality.

Uranus, if born December 29th to 31st is creating a few waves. Domestically there is a little bit of unpredictability in the air and it is making you feel a little uneasy. You are restless and others around you are too. Hang loose and go with the flow. This is a time of an awakening and enlightening and a time to depart from outworn circumstances, but not on impulse.

Pluto is powerful now for those born the first two days of January. You are being anointed with fate and there may be endings and new beginnings. An acquaintance with your own potential is in the air.

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

December is an incredibly sociable month for Aquarians, being the sign equating to your solar 11th house. Friends and collective projects play a powerful part, although after the 24th the season will demand a little more privacy. Love life and friendship can merge very successfully, particularly if born after February 9th, and after the 21st it may well be that love takes on a more profound note and when what really matters emerges.

After the 5th, travel may well be in the air for those born up to February 2nd, and at the very least constructive action and intelligent thought can empower your capacity to influence others. You feel on a mission and intelligent energy is constructive and inspiring. Academic pursuits are also favoured. Jupiter is in your solar 6th house now and this is suggestive of work and health being protected. Venus , after the 21st, will help you really find out what matters in friendship.

However if born February 5th to 10th, career and professional issues feel weighty and obligational, and authority figures may be heavy-duty. Saturn is bearing down on you and It is a time for reality checks and to face facts and do what is necessary, even if not easy. What you do now with courage, honesty and humility, can bring real progress in the future. Saturn brings rewards further down the line. No pain no gain.

If born around January 28th to 30th, Uranus your ruling planet is certainly inspiring you to think outside the box and to more strongly personify your innate Uranian maverick, futuristic and innovative side. You want more freedom and adventure and to assert yourself as uniquely you, in a way that gives you an edge of genius and real intuition. The alternative and the new, in terms of study, attract and you can be inspiring.

PISCES February 19th - March 20th

A busy time at work calls and you will be expected to shine. After the 5th communications in that area will be effective and powerful, but from the 24th when Mercury moves into your solar 11th house, party time, fun, leisure and family and happy communications get well underway, notably if born up to March 3rd.

For all born March 11th to 19th, Venus in your solar 10th house suggests that luck and romance can be linked, but beware sycophancy.

After the 21st when Venus moves retrograde, some meditation on the principles of affections and your professional standing will be in order.

If born after March 16th, before the 5th there is a distinct danger of crossing swords with those close to you. Irritation is in the air. After the 5th it is important to put constructive energy into complex financial issues.

Jupiter is on your side if born March 6th to 11th. This group are really in party mood appropriately for the season. It is also rich in romantic possibilities. It is also a time rich in positivity around offspring. However this same group also have Saturn bringing a sense of the serious, a need for a certain amount of austerity and a very grown-up, measured approach to life.

Neptune continues to surround those born February 20th to 23rd, bringing heightened sensitivity to the nth degree. In fact this is a time for celebrating huge creative skill that emanates from a very soulful source. Keep your sense of reality and don’t fall for being drawn towards cults and intense ideological conditioning, as you are potentially gullible.

Pluto for all those born February 28th to March 3rd is bringing a transformative strength, leadership skills and incisive intelligence to bear. This power is a gift.