Saturday, 1 March 2014


by Leigh Oswald (London-based Astrologer and Teacher)

Mars going retrograde is probably the big story. From the 2nd of this month to the 20th May, Mars will be in rare retrograde mode in Libra. When Mars goes retrograde there is trouble globally, a sense that everything needs to be put on hold. Action, values, energies are all paralysed of necessity. There is a sense of losing one’s way, of feeling impotent. War-like energies go underground and are none the less dangerous for that. When Mars is retrograde, stresses and passions and resentments build and can eventually erupt more explosively than when freely expressed as they happen. So a build-up of tensions is likely globally between the 2nd and May 20th. This energy will particularly impact the UK as Mars hovers over its ascendant. Paralysis and impotence of which way to turn and what to do, will be apparent in many areas of policy.
Also in the USA, Mars will be squaring Mercury, suggesting that foreign policy both economically and in other contexts, will be stressed and will directly affect its own economy. Pluto is also now exactly opposing America’s Sun, which does flag up a very intense period.

Uranus is also creeping up to very closely square Pluto yet again, as he has been doing for some years, creating a sense of turbulence and factionalism in the world, with populaces turning against their governments, and outworn regimes becoming ruthless to regain control. This is already manifesting the growing crisis in the Crimea/Ukraine. As the month matures and the Sun moves close to Uranus and opposes Uranus and squares up to Pluto, things will come to a significant head.

Neptune is now getting into full flood appropriately, in Pisces. It is in fact bringing the power of water and the potential damage to our immediate attention in various parts of the world. He is a particularly strong force now and indeed the new Moon will be in Pisces on the 1st and focus will be very much on trying to understand and resolve problems concerning either too much water or lack of it, depending on where in the world that is necessary.

Excellent times for the arts are the 22nd and 23rd, the 18th and 19th and 29th and 30th. Times when there will need to be some circumspection and hard work and a mature approach to life are around the 13th and 14th.  Wisdom and constructive cooperation is strong around the 26th and insight and possible new breakthroughs and discoveries are around the 28th.

There are two new Moons this month, on the 1st and the 30th. On the 1st it is at 10° of Pisces and on the 30th at 9° of Aries. New Moons mark new beginnings when we sow, and the full Moon on the 16th at 26° of Virgo, is a time, as ever with full Moons, a time of reaping; and the endings of chapters as things culminate.

ARIES March 21st - April 20th

This is a time of some behind-the-scenes retreat, contemplations and privacy, and contacts with the past may figure largely. Before the 5th you may well be able to use your charm notably well in career, but beware of being sycophantic or hypocritical if born after April 16th.

However after the 5th many born up April 15th will enjoy the input of quiet times with friends.

The big mover and shaker now is your ruler Mars. He is in your opposite sign of Libra which is to do with relationships. Particularly now, If born April 12th to 19th there is a feeling that others are a little obstructive and this has been around for some time. There is some confrontational energy flagged up, but from the 2nd these are more indirect, introverted, and locked up mode.

Be very wary that between the 2nd of this month and May 20th relationship issues are in flux and changing in a very behind-the-scenes, secretive way. Partners are going through complicated times and need time and to be left alone, and it is best not to be too invasive. All is privately evolving, but uncertainty abounds.

If born April 1st and 2nd be wary that over-indulgence and expenditure can be later regretted and this same group have a chaotic sense in their lives as Uranus sits in his once every 84 year visitation to your Sun. You are restless, adrenalized, excited, claustrophobic, wanting change and all feels unsettled. This is no stranger to you as it has been around for nearly a year. Hang loose, go with the flow and know change is happening without you pushing it.

 Also if born around April 2nd to 4th, Pluto is creating a little havoc in terms of power games being played within you and with others. You are trying to find your true career and personal identity and get rid of ties that are keeping you immature. Do not be primeval and over-reactive in response to others. This is a long transit that will not be over until December 2015 ,so use this journey for a self-reinvention that will evolve.

 The new moon on the 30th will bring for those born on that date, some sense of a good new chapter opening up in life.

TAURUS April 21ST - May 20th

Friendships and group associations are important for you this month and your input is particularly powerful after the 17th.

Before the 5th, if born after May 17th, harmony surrounds your life as does wisdom, and travel and romance go hand-in-hand. After the 5th you need to promote charm in your working life.

Mars in Libra will be retrograde on the 2nd, indicating for your sign that work and health issues will be important. There are things that you need to reconsider in these areas, methodology, and values, how you treat your body – some decisions may well be put on hold. There will be drive, but you may need to think a little outside the box. Beware also putting strain on your body in your efforts at work. It may quietly undermine health.

Jupiter is helpful if born May 1st to 3rd. He is enhancing intellect, communication skills and giving a sense of confidence, and opportunities are around that you need to grab.

However if born May 13th to 16th, Saturn is keeping you very much under his thumb. Other people are aggressive, difficult and you may be feeling some reality checks around them. You have to be very measured in your response to people and accept that life can be not without snags. Do what is sensible, wise, grown-up and necessary, even if uncomfortable and you will be grateful later. It is also a time to sort out some sheep from goats in your life.

By contrast, if born around May 3rd to 5th, Pluto is giving a great boost of energy, strength, insight, drive and power to your consciousness and wisdom, and life-changing empowering situations can emanate from higher study and long-distance and even legal situations.

Neptune too is now bringing a quiet sense of quiet ego less contentment and inspired sensitivity to those born April 25th-28th. Don’t underestimate benefits gained from and given to friends; and the causes you believe in.

GEMINI May 21st - June 20th

Career and public standing are important to you this month and much work will be needed to enhance that, and after the 17th communications that you need to be very careful about, will be important in your career if born up to June 11th.

Before the 17th, many of you, particularly if born after June 9th may well enjoy long-distance travel. Also, your mind is particularly sharp and capable when it comes to academic studies, and after the 5th many of you will be finding the possibility of the ability to combine love and travel and great enjoyment from study.

Mars is currently in Libra, a compatible sign to yours, directly affecting all born June 13th to 19th. He is bringing a great deal of energy into creative and artistic work and romantic issues, and also connected to offspring. However from the 2nd there is a definite sense of things being put on hold and a need to withdraw into oneself and review a little. This is a global phenomenon. Energy is internalised and rather paralysed for a reason, and this will be the case until May 20th. Goals will certainly be rather reconsidered but to ultimate good.

If born June 1st to 4th Uranus is bringing some unexpected but exciting new opportunities and possibilities through friends and contacts. Others are definitely catalysts now and way-showers in life, especially if they have long-distance connections. Your intellect goes from being truly rational to more intuitive and the combination of the two is enhancing. You are seeing big-picture truths.

However if born May 26th to 29th, there is a little confusion going on. You are not seeing clearly, you are floating, nothing is certain. Make no irrevocable decisions, especially re career. Many things are dissolving very slowly, and you may have to see what appears out of the fog. Trust in the seemingly irrational but the valid more hidden journeys of life.

CANCER June 21st - July 21st

Travel and energies to do with further study are very much enhanced this month, especially after the 17th if born up to July 12th.

Before the 5th if born after July 18th, life is enhanced by the kindness of others and love that is proffered. Love life and friendships flourish. After the 5th there is more depth and seriousness in your relationships.

Mars retrograde from the 2nd until May 20th will focus on your domestic and home life and family issues. There may be some hiccups, delays, and restrictions, some rethinking which all need honouring. A time of some reassessment is at hand and indeed for all born after July 14th, there may be some stress, impatience and short temper on the domestic front. Patience and tolerance may well be needed on all sides.

Jupiter however is magnificently placed now for all born July 2nd to 5th. In his once every 12-year visitation, he is enhancing your life with luck, love, growth – inner and outer, and bringing bonuses to work and health.

However this same group have Uranus directly influencing you too, which would imply that there is a great sense of change and uncertainty in the air, and possibly on the work front, but you have the confidence now to make decisions, but always count to ten.

If born around July 6th, there is some critical situation connected to possible power struggles with others. This is a time to be dignified, conscious and controlled with some humility and not sink to the same dark levels as others may sink to. Stand up and protect your corner if you know you are being reasonable and right.

Neptune brings a touch of fantasy, magic and great compassion to those born June 26th –29th. The arts, long distance, travel and spiritual dimensions bring exceptional inspiration. Trust your heart. Saturn meanwhile brings a grounded, grown up wisdom and courage in romance, creative matters and in issues related to children, to those born July 14th-17th

LEO July 22nd - August 22nd

It may be a time when you are forced to focus on some of the more challenging, difficult and deeper aspects of life in terms of relationships and indeed re shared resources, and complex financial issues, such as tax, insurance, alimony, inheritance issues, notably after the 17th.

After the 5th however, all born up to August 19th have Venus, from your opposite sign of Aquarius, bringing the propensity for love and affection into your life and kindness to others pays off in many unexpected ways.

Mars being retrograde from the 2nd would imply that many of you feel a little paralysed as to which action to take. Your thoughts are going to be rather suspended for a few months. All is in flux and uncertain and action and decisions may well be put on hold of necessity. Your goals and life directions will be questioned, not least by yourself.. and friendships will come under deep scrutiny too.

If born August 15th to 18th, Saturn is demanding his pound of flesh. Family and domestic issues are pressing and need attention and you cannot kick the can down the road. Restrictions and blocks are there to teach you. Saturn is the benevolent despot, but also a karmic schoolteacher, so take responsibility for events, if demanded, with humility and preparedness to learn.

Uranus however if born July 28th to 31st, is bringing a spark to your life, a need for excitement, adrenaline, a buzz, and travel and higher learning can provide this. At the very least you are wanting more freedom and having your unique individuality acknowledged and honoured.  Relationships are real catalysts for growth, enlightenment and change now and even those encounters that are ships that pass in the night, are in some way valuable.  This is a truly innovative period and happens rarely. Every approximately 82 years

VIRGO August 23rd - September 21st

March is a month of relationships issues, notably after the 17th when Mercury is also in that that sector of your solar chart and relationships can then really be enhanced by good communications, but others will very much dominate your life.

Before the 5th, those born after the 19th will be in party and romantic mode, and therefore it is a pleasant period for grabbing life to the full in extrovert mode.

Because of Mars’ retrograde motion from Libra from the 2nd, many of you will be finding that financial issues are somehow unresolved and it is hard to know how to move forward, and there may need to be a rethink about your value system.

However if born September 2nd to 5th, Jupiter is bringing a good social life, support from good friends and your leadership abilities are strong, particularly after the 6th, and if born 15th to 18th serious minds, measured thoughts are all to your advantage, courtesy of Saturn’s mature and stabilising influence

Have a care however, if born August 28th to 31st that people in your life are really as they seem. There is a great deal of room for selective perception, rose-coloured spectacles and for projection and people may well be creating a little smoke and mirrors around themselves. This is all the result of Neptune’s rare influence, as he opposes your sun. Positively, your empathy and compassion are extra strong and your psychic sensitivity to others should not be underestimated.

If born around September 5th to 7th you are starting to be rather amazed at your new confidence and transformational abilities, especially re the arts and romance..

There is a new moon on the 1st in Pisces and this will impact those born round September 3rd a positive sign for relationship renewals. On the 16th a full Moon in your sign, may well be felt by those born round September19th. A day of some realisations and truths.

LIBRA September 22nd - October 23rd

Work will preoccupy you this month, notably after the 17th when mental concentration will be important. Prior to the 17th many of you, especially if born after October 11th will also be having some fun.

However after the 5th, many of you will also be feeling the power of love and romance resonating in your life and creative skills need nurturing.

However Mars is in your sign currently and now mostly affecting those born October 15th to 22nd. As Mars is retrograde from the 2nd, this is an interesting energy. Much will be felt as if it is put on hold in some way. Your energies are ready to go and you are ready to challenge what you need to, but there is a sense of paralysis somehow. This is a period when many of you will be definitely be stopping and taking a hard, long look at your life and taking stock of relationships. The impact of other people is strong on your life as they go through changes. It may not be till late May that things start to go forward in a more comprehensible way.

If born October 3rd to 6th, beware complacency or biting off more than you can chew at work, and also for this same group, with Uranus on your case, there will be a feeling that many around you are behaving in ways that are making you feel very unsettled, but actually they are catalysts for your better future. It is hard to relax now, as all seems in flux. Do not be too spontaneous. Stop and think.

Pluto is also affecting those born around October 6th to 8th. There can be some power struggles but there is a need to change and empower yourself. It is a time when Librans need to get more into self-assertive mode, (without abusing power) rather than a more typical surrendering one.  This is a time to find out your potential.

Finally there is a second new Moon in Aries, on the 30th directly affecting those born around October 3rd, who may on that date, have a sense of a new relationship chapter

SCORPIO October 24th - November 21st

The focus now is very much on romance, offspring and creative issues, and living life to the full, especially after the 17th, if born before November 12th.

If born up to November 18th you are able to combine intellect with heart, so to be extremely charming before the 5th. After the 5th, there is a great enjoyment being on the home front with family and the possibility of having very good taste in changes made domestically.

Mars meanwhile is in your solar 12th house which is not easy for Scorpios as it tends to make you seethe and build up resentments, particularly as Mars is your co-ruler, and when Scorpio build up resentments, there is an unpleasant explosion at some point, so it’s important to get your passions out calmly, rather than sit on them. However because Mars is also retrograde from the 2nd until May 20th, the potential for locked up anger and repression of resentment, can be extra dangerous, so be aware and have a care.

Jupiter meanwhile is a very positive influence if born between November 2nd and
 5th. It’s a great time for travel and success in academic issues. It brings a feel-good factor and confidence. It’s helpful too re finances, especially after the 6th when it moves direct.

Saturn is sitting fairly and squarely in his once every 30-year hit, on the Suns of those born November 14th to 16th. This is a time of karmic confrontation, blocks and restrictions, and Saturn demands that you adhere to the discipline of doing what are necessary and facing facts, and putting right what has gone wrong. This is about action, hard work, patience, discipline and humility. No pain, no gain; but ultimately very constructive. Hard work pays off.

Neptune brings a touch of magic to those born October 28th to 31st. You yearn for your ideal, romantically and creatively. Music, the arts, sensitivity, empathy and compassion flourish.

Meanwhile your ruler Pluto is bringing extra power to those born November 5th to 7th Wisdom and forensic insight are yours, use them well, and if you want to get to the truth, you will.

SAGITTARIUS November 22nd TO December 21st

Focus may largely be on home and domestic issues and change in that area, and communications with family, particularly after the 17th may be important. Before the 17th, many of you will find that your intellect is sharp and communications are very successful.

Planning around money can be very useful before the 5th, and Mars moving retrograde on the 2nd, can for many of you, especially if born December 14th to 21st, put many projects and goals on hold, and even there may be some reconsideration of which projects are worth it and which aren’t. Blocks and restrictions are in the air, but you are able to constructively work yours through with a new internalised psychological reassessment of self and goals.. This feeling of things being on hold and reconsidered may last until May 20th.

Uranus for those born December 2nd to 6th is bringing a new sense of excitement to life. Romantic and children’s issues are to the forefront. There is also a sense of having good instincts when it comes to speculations. Life is kick-starting you into a better, newer, more innovative future. Have faith in that, and your thinking is somehow being liberated now as you look outside the box.

Neptune by contrast, is, for those born November 27th-30th, bringing a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty with some illusion/delusion or even deception in the ether. There is a feeling of being somehow rootless re where you belong or should live and a dissolving of ties with the past somehow. All is a little less concrete than you would like, but stay flexible and keep grounded and trust that this is a necessary voyage without compass or map, but know that provided you stay as grounded as possible, you will find your way gradually, to a more appropriate place, both spiritually and literally, if patient and do check the small print in all things.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 19th

Your sense of logic is strong as are your communication skills, and before the 17th there is a lot of thinking about your favourite subject, money. Security issues are important.

Venus is in your sign before the 5th, enhancing the lives of those born after January 15th. The power of love and generosity is strong in life, to you from others, and vice versa. After the 5th, finances can be enhanced through the arts.

Mars is not so kind now to your energies if born January 12th to 19th. There are certain assertive people, either at work or elsewhere, and your own patience is limited and it can all feel a little combative. Much of it is in your hands. However from the 2nd when Mars moves retrograde things will be more internalised with lack of resolution. A time for quiet contemplation re long-term considerations in relation to work and colleagues will be in order.

Jupiter is bringing a dose of indulgence, happiness and confidence to those born January 1st to 3rd. Relationships are enjoyable, but there’s a need for moderation especially in relationships. After the 6th however, Jupiter definitely can bring positive rewards.

Uranus however will, for this same group create a need for excitement and adventure, which isn’t helping the lack of moderation needed now. The unexpected is in the air and it all feels a little unsettled. Be careful about impulsiveness, as you seek to satisfy your adrenaline need.

Pluto is also now sitting firmly on the Suns in his such rare visitation of those born around January 4th. This group needs to be prepared to take on the gift of responsibility, power and a sense of destiny. Use wisely and with humility and have a care around other powerful beings.

Saturn, for those born January 12th to 15th is holding you steady. Your ruling planet is bringing a certain amount of mature austerity; and friendships are valuable and demand attention.

Neptune is bringing a touch of the divine and idealism now if born Dec 26th-29th. Creative and spiritual senses are underlined. As is compassion and empathy. Being near the sea feels good.

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

Before the 17th Mercury is in your sign, giving extra articulate skills and insight and wisdom to those born after February 6th. From the 17th finances may become a greater mental preoccupation.

From the 5th, Venus also moves into your sign, excellent for all those born up to February 15th.Cupid is on your case and your charm and aesthetic skills are heightened.

Also for all born February11th to 18th, Mars is bringing certain courage, strength, energy and drive to your being, especially physical and mental and you are ideologically passionate. However as Mars moves retrograde on the 2nd there will be a long period until May 20th when reconsideration of ideology, travel plans and academic issues are in the air and energy is put a little on hold and the power of psychological courage and drive will build, in a preparatory phase..

Saturn is seemingly doing no great favours now for those born February 11th to 14th as he is squaring your Sun.  However Saturn is a friend, often in disguise as a pain in the neck.  Career stress is in the air and responsibilities and obligations are weighing heavy. It is a time to be very considered and grown up, bite a few bullets and look after the body, as the march of time is showing. Facing facts about things and people and self is also pertinent. This way you will do what is necessary to gain a better future infrastructure.

Uranus, your ruling planet, meanwhile is bringing a boost to the lives of those born January 30th to February 2nd. It is creating a sense of real intuition, insight and eureka moments which you should listen to. Your own uniqueness and an ability to see things laterally and divergently is being acknowledged by yourself and others now – have faith in it.

PISCES February 19th - March 20th

Mercury in your sign from the 17th should sharpen all your communications skills and intellect, for all born up to March 10th. Relationship communications are advantaged. Before the 17th, time thinking on your own can be very useful.

Before the 5th if born after March 16th, friends can be particularly supportive and loving and this is reciprocated. After the 5th many of you will be much more private with your affections.

Mars moves retrograde on the 2nd staying that way until May 20th. This suggests that complex financial issue and some of the profounder dealings in life become complex, and it is a time not for action, but reconsideration. Energy is internalised but beware building up resentment.

Jupiter is very fortunate for those born March 1st and 2nd. Love, the arts and offspring issues are underlined happily especially after the 6th when Jupiter moves direct. It feels very pro life and celebratory

If born around March 12th to 15th, Saturn is creating a situation where you have to be very grown-up, disciplined and measured in your response to situations, and constructive hard work will seriously pay off, particularly to do with study. Travel could be dutiful.

Pluto is starting now to give more long term power, depth and insight to those born round March 4th.

Neptune meanwhile is sitting right on the Suns of those born February 23rd to 26th, bringing out the very essence of Pisces. Beware escapism, hypersensitivity and also be aware that your creative and spiritual side is the strongest that it has ever been and probably will ever be again. There is a feeling that the old is dissolving and the new has yet to come. This is a long journey and you may need some blind faith. The new moon o the 1st suggests a day of new beginnings if born around March 1st, and for those born round Mach 16th, the full moon of the 16th can signify significant eruptions from others on that day.