Saturday 1 March 2014

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

Before the 17th Mercury is in your sign, giving extra articulate skills and insight and wisdom to those born after February 6th. From the 17th finances may become a greater mental preoccupation.

From the 5th, Venus also moves into your sign, excellent for all those born up to February 15th.Cupid is on your case and your charm and aesthetic skills are heightened.

Also for all born February11th to 18th, Mars is bringing certain courage, strength, energy and drive to your being, especially physical and mental and you are ideologically passionate. However as Mars moves retrograde on the 2nd there will be a long period until May 20th when reconsideration of ideology, travel plans and academic issues are in the air and energy is put a little on hold and the power of psychological courage and drive will build, in a preparatory phase..

Saturn is seemingly doing no great favours now for those born February 11th to 14th as he is squaring your Sun.  However Saturn is a friend, often in disguise as a pain in the neck.  Career stress is in the air and responsibilities and obligations are weighing heavy. It is a time to be very considered and grown up, bite a few bullets and look after the body, as the march of time is showing. Facing facts about things and people and self is also pertinent. This way you will do what is necessary to gain a better future infrastructure.

Uranus, your ruling planet, meanwhile is bringing a boost to the lives of those born January 30th to February 2nd. It is creating a sense of real intuition, insight and eureka moments which you should listen to. Your own uniqueness and an ability to see things laterally and divergently is being acknowledged by yourself and others now – have faith in it.

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