Thursday, 1 May 2014

SCORPIO October 24th - November 21st

It is all about "the other" this month. They hold sway and influence you. Relationships are critical and can be Positively pursued to your advantage, and if born after November 7th, the first week is excellent for straightening out and clarifying issues with significant others, and communications over complex financial issues can go well between the 7th and 29th.

Those born after November 16th, have a chance in the first three days to celebrate the power of love and thereafter, your charms can be used successfully in your working environment.

If born early Scorpio, between the 24th and 28th of October, then the last two days of the months invite Cupid’s gifts.

Mars, your co-ruler, moving direct on the 20th in your solar 12th house suggests that there will be some release from any seething tensions that have been building over the last several months. This can be quite volcanic, so beware, but eased tension, which can only be good.

The very good news for those born November 5th to 13th is that Jupiter is giving the green light to travel and positive experiences in academic issues and long-distance interests. The feel-good factor is definitely in the air, not least bringing financial reward.

Saturn is now sitting back again on the Suns of those born November 10th to 14th (as last December time), so despite the influence of Jupiter, (which will be needed) there is a sense also of serious grown-up issues to deal with, hard work and bullets to bite.

Pluto your powerful ruler is supportive now ifl born November 5th –7th. You are being baptised by your real potential for transformative regeneration for self and others, but be conscious.

Neptune continues to bring increased compassion, empathy and creative gifts to those born round October31st. Also more spiritual idealism re romance is evident..

The full Moon on the 14th impacts those born round November 15-17th.Not a calm day and the power of the unconscious will not be repressed.

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