The sign Leo correlates with your solar 3rd house
of communications and thought processes. Your normally active and alive sharp
mind is therefore extra powerful this month and can be used to your advantage.
Communications of all sorts are whizzing around in your life and writing gifts
Before the 12th finances can go well, and after
the 12th your charms combine with your undeniable intellect. Your
ruler Mercury after the 15th, is in your solar 4th house
suggesting that if born up to June 19th, communications with family
will then need extra care and attention
Challenges at work will demand focus and concentration, as
there are some quite strong-minded people around you, as Mars is now in your
solar 6th house, along with Saturn; the stern school teacher
Jupiter however is working wonders for those born May 24th
to June 2nd. His sextile to your Sun now is really enhancing your
confidence and luck and brings opportunities that you need to grasp with both
hands. Once again your wisdom and communication gifts are underlined and
siblings are more likely to be positive influences in life. Much comings and
goings are indicated and valuable and joyful communications are in the air;
given and received.
If born June 5th to 8th, new contacts,
new goals, new values are waking up your mind. Your big-picture understanding
and intuition are strong and you are seeking individuality to celebrate.
Neptune, in his long haul through Pisces is still hovering
around the square point to the Suns of those born May 26th-28th. In
the solar 10th house.. For these people there is a sense of
confusion and uncertainty re career/career direction, even a sense of
dissolving. No major decisions should
be taken, as all in metamorphosis and it is a slow and rather blind journey to
change as the old order, both within and without, slips away. 2015 will show
will reveal the shore you are sailing towards, as the fog will lift. Don’t take anyone too much at face value.
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