by Leigh Oswald (London based astrologer and teacher)
Early month has a very powerful combining of planets when
Venus is in conjunction with Pluto and both opposing Jupiter. This combination
brings intensity, possibly obsession and a desire for power. There is nothing
superficial about these first few days for any of us
America (Cancer, Sagittarius rising) will be very much in
the news, especially early month as Jupiter closes in to conjunct the USA natal
Sun and Venus and Pluto will start to oppose the Sun.
This Pluto opposition to the US Sun will bring a sense of
conflict/disharmony with other economies.
Emerging markets, such as South Africa, Turkey, Argentina and India are
in turmoil and very jumpy, as changes in US economic policy, such as the
tapering of quantitative easing, threatens their economies, as US investors
pull their money out these emerging economies. This will of course have
repercussions for the global economy.
Mercury famously moves retrograde this month on the 6th as
he does on average three times a year and stays in that mode right up to the
last day of the month, which means that for all of us, after the 6th,
there will be a sense of some frustration and delay in some area of life, as
things get put on hold and where there is a necessity for a rethink. From the
13th when Mercury moves back into Aquarius, this may well be a
global rethink. All is in flux,
uncertain unclear and communications can fail. Governmental policies and
international events will seem out of control and no one will seem to know the
way forward and impasses abound.
Economic recovery/growth claimed to be underway, will be
hobbled globally by the instabilities of the so-called emerging markets.
No clear map forward is evident as we are in a unique chapter
of human history, which needs a fundamentally unique map. Uranus in Aries
demands that we ditch the old model and think innovatively for the sake of the
future, rather than try to revive and consolidate old outworn patterns of power
(Pluto in Capricorn)
The struggle that is ongoing between Uranus and Pluto and
which will intensify over the coming few months, is one in which awakened
enlightenment as to the real needs of our planet in the future, is seen as a
great threat to the entrenched powers that be, who seek to merely preserve the
status quo and vested interests. The
struggle between populaces and governmental power will become more critically
high profile again.
Extreme weather events also will grow, until the issue of
plain environmental survival will dominate collective consciousness. Issues of economic “growth” will pale into
Neptune continuing his long journey through Pisces is
certainly bringing to our consciousness the issue of water (Neptune), whether
it be radiation polluting our seas, notably from Fukushima, or the deluges and
flooding being experienced in parts of Europe, deaths of coral reefs, emptying
seas and the implications that it all has for the health of the human race.
The need to respect the powers of nature and to review our
abuse of it, due to our arrogance, folly and misuse of power, is a message that
seems to be continuously pushed in our faces now. The phrase hubris and nemesis
and its meaning should be taught to our children from an early age
Neptune in Pisces (Feb 2012—April 2025) can also in negative
mode, reflect the negative power of religion, when ideologically politicised
and extremist in nature, and which ironically promotes
violence/killing/oppression in the name of a conveniently constructed vengeful
God. We see so many wars and uprisings
now, being opportunistically exploited by the power of fundamentalist religious
ideology and its factions..
The positive side of Neptune in Pisces is yet to be fully
realised and manifest as a global force, which is the need to fight for the
survival of our planet; its peoples and the beauty and bounty of nature.
Spirituality is so often the opposite of man made/distorted religion. Neptune
in Pisces can illuminate the best and worse of the sign.
Excellent days for the arts are the 4th to 8th
and around the 23rd when Neptune is activated. Days with dynamic
courage and energy for many will be around the 15th to 17th
although the 11th and 12th may well see many of us rather
thwarted in our goals and reality checks abound globally as indeed they do
around the 19th. There will be the necessity for some sobriety and
austerity between the 24th and 27th.
There is only a full Moon this month – no new Moon will be
manifest, as we had two new Moons last month. The full Moon will be at 26° of
Leo on the 14th, more-or-less opposing the USA’s Moon, which may
bring a few disconcerting surprises.