Saturday 1 February 2014

LEO July 22nd - August 22nd

Relationships may figure strongly this month as the Sun dominates your solar 7th and 8th house, but be aware, particularly after the 13th when Mercury is retrograde in your 7th house that it is very easy for relationships to fall foul of poor communications and there is a potential for confusion. Between the 6th and 13th, confusion and frustration will manifest more at work..

Intelligent actions and outgoing courage are around if born August 15th to 21st, courtesy of Mars, but if born August 14th to 27th, you also have Saturn bringing very significant reality checks to your door. Family and domestic issues will be serious and others may well block your path and to remind you of duty and responsibility and that personal ego cannot supersede what is pragmatically important in life.. Frustrations abounding now are to teach you. Saturn is the karmic schoolteacher, after all. You cannot turn away from the necessity principle and you are also reminded that you are no longer as young as you used to be. Saturn reminds us of the march of time and the limitations time imposes on our bodies.

However if born in the first two days of August, Uranus inspires with the desire for freedom, adventure, adrenaline and a new chapter, and travel or at the least international links, may be part of this journey.  Academic and metaphysical insights expand. Others are definitely catalysts. New worlds are opening up to you and you may become aware of being helped in your view of life by being less subjective and limited in view point.

Jupiter in your solar 12th house is bringing quiet protection to many of you. Enemies can become friends and reversals can be followed by successes.  Use the very early month to focus professionally on what you want to happen, it is most likely to succeed then, as your will is strong.

The full Moon on the 14th brings for those born August 18th-20th a sense of a completion or closing of a certain chapter.

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