Thursday, 1 August 2013

ARIES March 21st - April 20th

August is definitely party time and accentuates powerful romantic drives too. Good communications connected to romantic relationships are very empowering between the 8th and 23rd, and after the 16th, particularly for all born up to April 8th, Cupid is definitely on your case and your charms are undoubted. Other people’s generosity to you is also underlined.

However before the 28th all born after April 1st have Mars in square angle to your Sun which suggests that there may be some people on the domestic front who are feeling the power of your assertive side and who are maybe standing up to you. Mars is your ruler and is powerful when he affects you, making your own self-assertion and determination a little negative and too ego-ridden, and other people will respond in equally strong reaction back to you, so have a care.

If born March 27th to April 4TH beware of being a little over-confident, over-generous or over-immoderate. The good times roll but you can just push out the boat a little too far.

For those born March 31st to April 3rd. Uranus in his once every 84 year visitation is very powerfully on your case. He is making you restless, adrenaline prone, unpredictable with a volcanic need for excitement and change, and change is inevitable. This energy is with you on and off until April 2014, so don’t push the river, let it evolve, see this as a journey when you need to be flexible, and hang loose. Know you are awakening to a new chapter and new gifts and new intuitions.

However if born around March 29th to 31st, Pluto squaring your Sun is warning that there are some power struggles in the air within yourself and because of your own desire for greater power, possibly reflected in power struggles with other people. Stand up for the highest principle and avoid being tainted by unsavoury, ruthless people, and equally it is important that you keep squeaky clean yourself. It is a time to know your own power but remember that the only corollary of that should be humility.

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