Wednesday 1 January 2014

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

You may feel like hunkering down and taking time out to think deeply about your past and purpose in life. Privacy is sought and is healthy. Also it is a wonderful time for private communications and negotiations and for showing empathy and compassion for those in need. Service to others provides you with happiness, and love life can be conducted quite privately and at a particularly profound level where compassion is very much to the fore.

After the 11th however you will all start to feel encouraged to take a peek into the world again and when others will call for your intelligence and you can rise to the occasion.

All born January 31st to February 15th have Mars now harmonising with their Suns. This brings courageous energy in terms of philosophical understanding. It’s very good for academic strength and purposeful inspired travel. It gives spiritual, physical and psychological focus.

Saturn however is a different matter if born February 9th to 13th. Saturn is leaning rather heavily on you, particularly in matters professional and in public standing. Stresses, strains, hard work and frustrations are in the air. There are things blocking your path and it is time to work extremely hard if you are doing what you know is correct, or to rethink the door you’re knocking on if you are not sure it is. Get rest: you are tired and are being reminded that you are not getting any younger. Reality checks are in the air.

However if born January 28th to 31st your ruling planet is inspiring. Your intellect is taking a leap into genius, as you look outside the box, and are innovative and inspiring. It’s time to believe in you unique authenticity of vision and to determine to live by it.

There are unusually two new Moons this month and the second one on the 30th is at 11° of your sign, directly affecting all born around February 1st. For you the 30th can be a day of brand new innovative chapters in your life when your energy, will and your unconscious and conscious all combine as one, to point to sowing a new future.

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