Sunday 28 February 2021



 Well, Mercury is now direct, so there will be less uncertainty in the air about direction of travel for us all. Mercury, still in Aquarius till the 15th, alongside Jupiter and Saturn in that sign, illuminates the fact that rationality, and innovative, progressive science looks like it really is winning. New breakthroughs in knowledge about Covid will continue to assist greatly in progress.

 Jupiter is trining Boris Johnson’s Mercury in the first half of this month, suggesting then that he really is trying to put wisdom before popularity, but from the 15th, this may get sacrificed somewhat on the altar of impulsive, over optimism and a bowing to pressure from other, more libertarian influences in his party. Reality checks will then loom large as a result. Mars also moves into Boris’s own home Sun sign of Gemini on the 5th and that will also spur him on with competitive if misguided confidence.

 Mars in Gemini has a strong reputation for producing much talk of ambitious plans, but with little detail and indeed with little resulting action.

 Notably around the 24th when Mercury, then in Pisces (heart) squares up to Mars in Gemini (mind), there will be a real risk of a clash of ideological values, resulting in impulsive, illogical actions and controversial decisions which brings confusion and anger. This can be an international manifestation. It will very much create challenge then for Boris in particular, as both planets will challenge his natal Pluto at that time.

 Trump has Saturn opposing his natal Pluto in the second half of the month (every 30 years), which will be a significant challenge to his desire for secrecy and a severe limitation on his power to protect that which he wants to keep private.

 Jo Biden, also has strong Mars transits this month, suggesting challenges from others that will test his mettle and block some paths, but not without an intelligent fight back from him. His assertive, more aggressive, Scorpionic mood will emerge.

 We will also see this month the bigger picture development of many futuristic ideas about progress re economic restructuring, in view of the fallout from Covid (not over yet) and new commitments to fighting climate issues, as a new enlightened intelligence comes together with a sense of increased urgency and cooperation. The floodgates of progressive science (Aquarius) for the greater good, will begin to merge with a new financial opportunism, as it will dawn on many entrepreneurs that prosperity lies in change and innovation, for the greater health of our earth. The old industrialisation model is becoming history… indiscriminate protectionism of the old is now totally outworn, as a new paradigm is born, and that futuristic bandwagon will now be increasingly recognised as the way to go, if we are all to survive. Pluto (power) entering Aquarius in late 2024, (scientific/technological future) will rubber stamp that, but not without some dangers of abuse of those realms.

 However, simultaneously, Uranus is an unpredictable outside the box, even maverick, influence and can be very unguessable, by definition, and his current place in Taurus (since March 2019 and until July 2025) which literally is about money /security, totally points to unpredictable and significant chaos there. The last time Uranus was in this sign was 1934-1942, characterised by the great economic depression and during much of the 2nd world war, which alone speaks volumes.

 The economic model we have had for decades, will become, over the next few years, very unstable and totally challenging to the old status quo. There will be very profound and unexpected financial shocks and significant losses.  Revolutionary changes will be apparent in the concept of our financial system, with additional seemingly eccentric notions, which will be hard to accommodate in the traditional model. Certainly, technology (Uranus)will play a huge part in this, again, with some more maverick, anti-establishment eccentricities (Uranus), emerging re money.  Obviously, the pandemic will be very much a huge challenge to the economic system in unpredictable ways. Money making in the markets will be at the least, significantly altered and desperate short-term gain, even if very unconventional, will become increasingly popular.

 Positively however, huge investment in advancing technology re the fight against climate change will however, become obviously more the way to go, as finally, profit and working for the good/survival of our planet become compatible and indeed financially logical and urgently essential.

 The rather chaotic unpredictability of Uranus in Taurus in terms of finances, will also be replicated in terms of upsets geophysically, as Taurus is also very linked to literally our relationship with the Earth.  There will be shocks re nature. This will manifest as extreme weather events and upheavals (already evident), as mother earth will be messaging us powerfully about what we have done to our earth’s delicate environmental balance.

The elements of Water and Earth are always totally harmonious and of course are an essential combination in nature, for growth. Therefore, the technological challenge and positive innovation of Uranus (brain/future) in the Earth sign of Taurus (since March 2019) now constructively working in harmonious sextile angle, with the spiritual, instinctive human desire of Neptune (heart/soul), so strong in the Water sign of Pisces (since 2012) is a very promising, cooperative partnership.

 During this pandemic, these compatible planetary positionings have seriously made us all appreciate nature, both for its beauty and value and importantly also, its power to show us massively how much nature can push back, if we mess with it, re climate the crisis. Critically also, we must face the root causes of many mutated viruses, which are a result of human invasion of nature’s sacred spaces, that should belong to its creatures alone. These facts are now becoming more in our faces, as a total emergency.

It is also essential that the mind (air) and the heart/soul (water) need to cooperate, for the survival of us all.

We still however have this month, Saturn in Aquarius squaring up to Uranus in Taurus, not as exact as last month, but still in operation. This is all about the hugely critical clash now in our society between the desire for the freedom instinct of Uranus, and the necessity of caution, restriction and discipline of Saturn. Both planets being in fixed signs, makes the clash stubbornly uncompromising.

 The argument between the great freedom of resuming a returned “normal” economic /social activity, which of course is very important, versus ongoing significant social constraint, in order to avoid risk of another pandemic wave and therefore more serious variants emerging, is totally fierce. Life and death, no less. It is also in truth, a political ideological argument, between the important economic needs, combined with the libertarian viewpoint, versus the compliance with the need for some authoritarian control of the population, based on the pure facts of medical science.   Scientific advice certainly however needs priority now, with Saturn (the necessity principle) being in the sign of objective scientific power of Aquarius, a sign which is indeed also co ruled by Saturn.

 Our society however is fundamentally based on the major value system of economic health.

 We cannot race back to the norm; patience is still now totally essential… as Saturn now demands. Short term gain will be dangerous, setting us back pandemic wise and therefore economically again, but with Mars moving into Gemini on the 5th, there is indeed a worry, that impulse and somewhat superficial political analysis, may win the day, not least in England.  

The full Moon falls on the 28th at 8 degrees of Libra and the New moon falls on the 12th at 23 degrees of Pisces.


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