Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Leigh Oswald


The big U.S. election day of the 6th does on balance seem to favour Obama, but it will be a nail-biter. The Moon in Leo favours his Leo descendant in terms of public support, and the US chart in general has a rather conservative feel planetary wise at that time, suggesting a sticking with the status quo.

Mercury moves retrograde from Sagittarius on the 6th, moving back into Scorpio on the 14th, then finally moves direct on the 26th. Therefore between the 6th and 26th there will be the inevitable hiccups, delays, confusions and of course it is no coincidence that the presidential election on the 6th may therefore suffer from some uncertainties and count confusions. Indeed it may indeed not be until after the 26th that total clarity is achieved.  Many things in our personal lives and globally, will be put on hold during that period, ultimately for good purpose.

Saturn is now established in Scorpio (there for two and a half years) and the Sun is now in Scorpio until the 21st. Mercury is also there between the 14th and 26th and Venus too, from the 22nd, so this is not a month for the faint-hearted. Important truths are revealed and the dark is uncovered. Scandals are rife and it is no cosmic coincidence that Jimmy Savile, the late, shamed TV personality has Saturn, the lord of karma, now sitting right on his Scorpio Venus and next month it will exactly conjoin his Scorpio sun. These visitations from Saturn only occur every 30 years. Even posthumously, it seems the planets haunt us and bring their message.

The dark will be revealed and prices will be paid. Not least related to sexual and economic scandals (Scorpio).  Burlusconi, the ex Italian president, has just been found guilty of tax evasion and he too has just had Saturn sitting on his Venus (once every 30 years)

Saturn in Scorpio does not do half measures, and that will be reflected in extremism, whether that be socio-political, or in extreme climate conditions, that will (as much of the East coast of the U.S. can now bear testimony to,) now increasingly dog the planet.

The arts are favoured after the 22nd when Venus is in Libra.

Mars very much activates the American chart before the 17th. Thereafter, from Capricorn, a getting down to business with a strong work ethic is underlined globally. The 27th is a significant day when Mars conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn and which can be quite explosive for England, which is a Capricorn country (as is Afghanistan and India) and the establishment in general, and with revelations that are pretty uncomfortable. The 23rd is a day of risk when Mars squares to Uranus and shocks are in the ether.

However, interestingly, there are two eclipses in the month. There is a total solar eclipse on the 13th at the 22nd degree of Scorpio and an annular lunar eclipse on the 28th at the 7th degree of Gemini. The eclipse of the 13th can act as a cleansing that is necessary for a clear-out so that a new start can be initiated, whereas the lunar eclipse of the 28th suggests a tricky time when dark forces can erupt on the planet and the power of the unconscious dominates the conscious and very difficult endings of chapters are in the air.


November is a month when Aries need to get down and deep with some uncomfortable issues that maybe they would rather avoid, but it is necessary to face up to now. Also it is important to resolve complex financial issues, particularly joint ones, and between the 6th and 26th there could be much uncertainty in that area, and the cheque will not be in the post.

Before the 22nd all Aries born after March 24th have an opportunity to embrace a bit of Cupid’s magic and others are bringing love and charm into your life; and before the 17th all born after April 6th may have planes, boats and trains very much part of their life and energy put into academia will be powerful. After the 17th, all born up to the end of March have to seriously focus with great discipline on profession.

Meanwhile if born April 1st to 7th you have Jupiter bringing an extra helping of wisdom, insight and communication skill, so exploit, and travel can also be very progressive.

If born March 24th to 27th, hang on to your hat as change is in the air and you can do nothing about it but go with the flow, hang loose and know that it is ultimately innovative. But if born March 27th to 30th, beware those who would engage in power struggles with you, and beware misuse of power on all levels, your own included. You could have a tiger by the tail.  Check motives


It is relationships that figure largely in your life now. The power of others impacts you but between the 6th and 26th you may feel rather uncertain and wobbly when it comes to communications with others as they may not deliver the news you want to hear. After the 26th you can start to read from the same hymn sheet again.

Venus from the 22nd favours all born up to May 1st when it comes to love life and harmony, and popularity is yours, gained by your generosity. Before that date many of you will be building your charms in your professional sphere.

Before the 17th, focus on finances will benefit. After that date all born up to May 1st are also likely to be happy travelling or studying.

Those born April 22nd to 28th have Saturn testing you. Others are difficult, challenging and only you can decide if the challenge is one you need to acknowledge and step up to the plate to, or whether you are learning something that you need to act on to protect yourself.

If born April 27th to 30th, Pluto is empowering you, not only intellectually but also from overseas contacts. Step into your own potential.

Meanwhile, those born around April 21/22ndst are feeling the magic of Neptune creatively and will experience increased empathy, compassion and sensitivity. Your heart needs to be exposed.

The solar eclipse on the 13th directly impacts those born around May 13th. This will be a powerful new start potential in relationships.


Rationalising career plans is important this month and try and get communications sorted out effectively with others before the 6th, particularly if born around May 22nd to 25th, otherwise you may have to wait until the 26th for normal service to be resumed, when dealing with others, both at work and personally.

Before the 22nd, if born after May 25th, the good times roll and the party spirit is strong in you, as are creative inspirations. Thereafter you will need to charm your colleagues who will be extra amenable.

Before the 17th if born after June 7th, people are no pushovers. Mars in your 7th house is challenging you and you may have to fight your corner, or compromise more than you planned

Jupiter meanwhile is blessing those born June 1st to 7th. Enjoy! He is bringing not only benefits relationship-wise, but also growth externally and internally now.

Check out all the small print in everybody and every situation if born around May 21/22nd as Neptune is fogging the picture, but for those born May 24th to 28th, enjoy and embrace new input and innovative ideas and people, and believe in your intuition.

The lunar eclipse of the 28th falls on the Suns of those born around May 29th. You may be surprised what uncomfortable, but eye opening truths emerge.


It is a time for creativity and extrovert enjoyment of life, although the flow may not be so smooth from the 6th to 26th when Mercury backtracks. Double-check all communications.

After the 22nd all born up to July 4th are gifted with extra charisma, magnetism, charm and creative skills, and after the 17th if born up to July 3rd watch your back as there are people who are prepared to challenge and trip you up. Relationships are challenging.

Saturn in Scorpio now is harmonising with the energies of those born June 24th to 30th. He is bringing a measured, cautious approach to your being and giving a seriousness and mature attitude towards relationships and indeed to offspring.

However those born June 25th to 28th also have Uranus creating a desire for excitement and adventure and you are on the edge of your seat and a bit addicted to adrenaline. Don’t be impulsive, or do anything that is irreversible, but know it is time for some modification and change in life to liberate you. Also those born on the last two days of June are suffering from some ongoing challenge from an authority figure or rather dark force out there. Don’t sink to their level; draw boundaries with dignity.

Meanwhile if born around June 23rd enjoy the blessings of Neptune as he inspires on a very high level of consciousness but which involves your soul and your heart, creatively and in terms of altruism and compassion.


Focus on home and domestic issues dominate your plans, but both social and domestic plans can be put on hold, frustratingly so, between the 6th and 26th, but at least after the 22nd many of you will be making efforts to make home sweet home a reality.

Before the 17th, if born after August 9th, your predatory side is strong as is your extrovert creative instinct and your energy is proud and effective. After the 17th however, many of you need to remind yourselves of the need for pursuit of income.

If born August 3rd to 9th friends are invaluable and bring opportunities, and indeed your leadership skills are honed.

However with Saturn in Scorpio, those born July 26th to 31st are feeling the cold fingers of this karmic schoolteacher. Family issues are weighty and need attending to. Blocks, restrictions and delays are all to teach you something important. No pain, no gain. Reality checks need observing.

However, by contrast, those born July 22nd to 28th are also feeling a great desire to kick over the traces and make a new start, and are seeing the bigger picture and having a greater understanding beyond the limits of the ego. Between Saturn and Uranus this could be a great learning-curve period.


Your mind is sharp and communication is important to you now, possibly out of necessity, but because your ruler Mercury is infuriatingly retrograde between the 6th and 26th either side of those dates are best for negotiation or at least for results coming through.

Your charms are underscored after the 22nd if born up to September 4th. Before that date, focus on finances will be beneficial.

Before the 17th if born after September 9th, war drums are audible from others whose level of irritation seem needless, but it could be in response to you being critical.

After the 17th all born up to September 9th need to keep an eye on finances that are complex and shared by others.

Uncharacteristic extravagance and over-confidence are in the air for those born September 3rd to 9th, notably in career, so just beware.

Those born late August benefit from cautious, measured discipline applied to their affairs.

However if born around August 23rd, beware: those around you may not be as they seem. All that glisters is not gold and heroes and heroines will fall of pedestals and those you try and save may become liabilities.

If born August 31st/September 1st, Pluto is really giving confidence, not only creatively, but also romantically, and the power of offspring and Cupid can be very regenerative.


Doing a few calculations over finances will not go astray, and don’t be surprised if between the 6th and 26th communications and organisation do not go smoothly.

Before the 22nd if born after September 26th, is a good hair period. You are looking good and feeling good and your charms are extra potent. Thereafter money can be made through creative feats and persuasive powers.

After the 17th if born up to October 5th, be wary that you are not a little impatient or over-assertive, particularly with family and on the domestic front, and the proverbial bull in the china shop will do you no good, in attitude.

For those born October 4th to 10th, this is brilliant time for vacations and for enhancing one’s intellect and metaphysical interests, but equally those born September 26th to 28th are feeling the disruptive hailstorms of Uranus as others throw unexpected slings and arrows into the melting pot. The unpredictable in others can however result in your greater freedom.

Meanwhile those born 1st and 2nd of October are dealing with the power of Pluto. Power struggles with others at home may be forcing you to take a bold stance with dignity and endings of chapters are in the air, as you assert your power with a powerful sense of destiny. That is quite undeniable, but stop and count to ten first, so you assert yourself with dignity and calm.


Your month and time to shine, or a time to at least show your power, positively or negatively, but be aware that from the 14th to 26th when Mercury is retrograde in your sign, many of you may feel that you can talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

Venus in Scorpio after the 22nd is favourable for all born up to October 3rd. It ignites magnetic charms and harmonises relationships, and before the 17th many of you will focus on pursuing your second favourite subject: finances.

After the 17th if born up to November 4th you are no shrinking violet when it comes to arguing your case with obvious intellectual strength.

Saturn is now sitting on the Suns of those born October 24th to 28th. This prompts a reassessment of necessity. It’s a time to look after the body, acknowledge its limitations and be cautious. Face facts that though uncomfortable, means life is addressed more realistically.

In contrast, if born October 31st -November 1st, Pluto now brings great intellectual insight and power. You are listened to and responsibility that goes with power needs honoured. You are the conduit, not the owner of this power.

For those born around October 24th, Neptune continues to soften your heart and inspire creative depths: a once every 82 year event..

The solar eclipse on the 13th targets all born around November 15th. A time for a new dawn.


Some retreat is needed this month. Many of you need to review your past and behind-the-scenes activities are significant. If born between the 6th and 26th you mat feel paralysed by an inability to move forward as you would wish. A retreat for many of you would be advisable.

However before the 17th for those born after December 8th, Mars in your first house will demand that you assert self in some way, but anger can be the result as frustration builds.

If born December 3rd to 9th Jupiter is at least bringing bonuses from other people who have your best interests at heart. People from other cultures and who are wise can illuminate your life and good news re partners can bring blessings. Travel too is very much on the cards as it so often is.

If born November 26th to 28th life is full of a need for change, innovation and rejuvenation romantically. Be confident about your own uniqueness.

Meanwhile, for this born around November 22nd/23rd, be wise that there smoke and mirror effects around you and all is not real. Your perceptions are wobbly and others may be not totally up front and you are lacking in certainty of identity. Hang on in there, as this is a valuable, if confusing transition.

Lunar energy on the 28th affects those born around November 30th. This could be a time when truths are told, facts are faced and relationships have to accommodate these.


Friends and group associations dominate and can be very constructive, but don’t expect to make major headway between the 6th and 26th. Thereafter you start to see results but your charms, notably after the 22nd, can be persuasive, especially if born in December.

Before the 17th some of you may be feeling rather angry, particularly if born after January 7th. Don’t sit on resentment; don’t seethe, express with calm to the right person at the right place at the right time.

After the 17th, all born up to January 1st are much more proactive in a successful way, and your energy, psychological, physical and spiritual is strong to enable you to achieve what you want, but don’t be too assertive.

However Pluto and Uranus are still very much on the case for many of you born late December. If born December 25th to 27th there is a restlessness that cannot be assuaged and there is a desire for rebellious and maverick behaviour, which is uncharacteristic, but change may be forced upon you if you do not acknowledge its need.

Also those born December 29th and 30th are very aware of the need to flex their muscles and to express a fated sense of power which you can use for good or ill. With consciousness, it will be the former. This once every 248 year hit should be honoured with respect for the sense of destiny it brings.


You are in the spotlight in your profession, so acknowledge that and effort put in between the 6th and 26th may not come to fruition until after that period.  Delays happens for good reason if you but trust.

Before the 22nd love life and enjoyment connected to other cultures is possible for all those born after January 24th.  Also creative input is well received far afield. Thereafter, your charms need to be exploited and employed at work and colleagues and superiors smile upon you..

Before the 17th, if born after February 6th, your leadership skills and ability to inspire others is strong. After that date, all born up to January 31st need to be careful about sitting on any unexpressed anger. It will do you no good and can harm relationships and your body, however behind the scenes hard work can seriously pay off.

If born January 23rd to 27th, Saturn is causing professional conundrums. You need to face facts and do what is necessary, or accept delays and just keep soldiering on, if what you are doing is right. Also, this same group need to be wary that the lord of time: your co-ruler Saturn, is reminding you to honour the vessel that carries you: your body.

If born January 14th to 26th, you are able to use your intuition to guide you perfectly now, as your ruling planet, Uranus is rarely and magnificently enhancing your judgement.


A brilliant month for pushing the boundaries both intellectually and geographically, but travel can suffer from some delays and hiccups between the 6th and 26th.

Before the 22nd some of you can sweet-talk your way to financial advantage and after the 22nd if born up to March 1st, love and creative skills blend with long-distance interests.

Before the 17th if born after March 8th, tread carefully at work as there are angry people who may well be taking it out on you; deserved or not.  Carefully monitor your own assertiveness.

After the 17th if born up to March 1st, you are can be proactive in social life and successfully co-ordinating events.

Saturn is a serious, but constructive note for those born February 21/22nd to 25th. Intellectual activities and travel have a dutiful, obligation feel and needed discipline pays off later.

If born February 25th to 28th, there is a powerful input from Pluto that allows you to be a mover and shaker in a way that reaches far. Your insight and intellectual ability, provided it is used for greater good, can be life changing for others and self now. Use wisely.

If your birthday is cuspal Pisces, around February 19th and 20th your ruler Neptune is in his rare visitation to your Sun, emphasising hugely your Piscean traits, whether positive i.e. creativity, spirituality, psychic powers, empathy, compassion and redemptive action, or negative i.e. escapism, hypersensitivity, addiction, vulnerability and deception. Ensure the former dominate.

Monday, 1 October 2012



A big astrological shift occurs this month. Saturn, the karmic schoolteacher moves into Scorpio on the 5th where he will stay for the best part of 3 years. Saturn shows the world what we need to learn and where karmic learning curves are needed. Scorpio is connected to the principle of outgoing desire, power, extremism, depth, truth, obsession, endings and new beginnings. It is also very connected to value systems in finances. It would seem that we are likely to have an intense and explosive few years before us. Saturn is a hard taskmaster and is extremist in his expectations of others. The drive for success is huge when in Scorpio, and what the world will be tested for will be motive as to what it wants as a collective animal. The pain that Saturn in Scorpio brings, is the pain of realising that what you want is not necessarily what you need or what you can have, and this pain of outgoing but frustrated desire will be the greatest teacher for us all. We will all have to reduce our expectations in terms of consumerism, not only because of economic depression, but because of environmental and climate change conditions and its impact on food production and water provision. There will be those who are obsessed to expedite a change of attitude because of a realisation and huge insight into where the world will go unless we change, and there will be those with equal obsession who just want to keep the old model of ruthless consumer capitalism pushing on. Ultimately however there will be a need to re-evaluate all our value systems and this will become apparent over the next few years. Also the uncovering of truths, dark issues and whistle blowing will be on the increase. Ruthlessness will definitely be in the air as will digging obsessively to uncover hidden information, no matter how uncomfortable  and deep rooted..

There has been an increasingly strong cognitive dissonance at work. We have simultaneously known collectively (for those who have eyes to see) that a crisis is looming, whilst being prepared to fiddle as Rome has started to burn,

The flames however will soon approach and scorch us all, demanding a drastic response.

Deep resentments that will not be assuaged will build, if people feel there has been injustice and primeval and ruthless fury can be released, which will be met with a likewise response

When Saturn (lessons) is in Scorpio (desire) it will be in mutual reception with Pluto (power/meltdown) in Capricorn (economy/establishment), this will enhance both planetary powers to force a decisive crisis in deciding the world’s direction. The gloves will be off and we will see the expression of naked, unabashed ideological stances, often expressed in extremism. We will all have to stand up and be counted.


Is it a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest world, where money is the only value that dominates, as in the Ayn Rand school of thought? Or is it a world that wants to be truly democratic, people centred and which values fairness, compassion with an all-inclusive vision of pursuing equal opportunity, along with respect for the sustainability of our planet and its creatures?

The U.S presidential election will basically boil down to these two choices in a way that is more black and white (no pun intended) than ever before. The problem is, that it is not presidents that make final decisions when in power now. Increasingly it is money and vested interests that do. Hence, even with an Obama victory, which is likely (just) more by virtue of Romney’s revealing gaffes than Obama’s stance, the former philosophy will still dominate, at least initially.

Clearly natives of the sign of Scorpio and of the opposite sign of Taurus will be most impacted by this Saturn shift of sign and with the signs of Leo and Aquarius (both in square relationship to Scorpio) also quite significantly feeling the hand of this benevolent despot, or karmic schoolteacher of a planet.  But remember if we humbly learn our lessons and do what is necessary, even if tough, under Saturn, he brings prizes later.

Scorpio countries include Bavaria, Norway, Morocco, Korea, Syria and the State of Queensland in Australia and the Transvaal in South Africa. Cities that are reputedly Scorpio ruled are Baltimore, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Liverpool, Newcastle, and Washington DC.

Although this is Libra’s month, Mars is in Scorpio until the 7th and Mercury is in Scorpio from the 5th to 29th, so expect some dark activity and exposures of more uncomfortable truths on planet earth

Uranus in Aries continues to square Pluto in Capricorn so the now familiar theme of rebellion of people against the masters of the universe continues.

The new Moon falls on the 15th at 22º of Libra and the full Moon falls on the 30th at 6º of Taurus.

ARIES  MARCH 21st - APRIL 20th

Relationships are powerful movers and shakers in your world this month and many of you may well have to deal with some profound nitty-gritty facts and some truths will be told. From the 7th many of you born up to April 8th will be focusing on academic issues and higher learning, and travel may be a great motivator. From the 28th, early Aries born March 22nd to 25th should make hay while Cupid is shining down on you.

For those born between April 4th and 7th, Jupiter is your buddy now. He is really underlining your intellectual and communication abilities, and bringing a level of luck that needs to be embraced and exploited through intelligent observation of opportunities.

Saturn is about to leave your opposite sign on the 5th. This is a cause of celebration for many of you. He has caused relationship challenges for some years now. Those who finally have to bite the bullet on this level now, are those born after April 18th. This is a time for finally rubber-stamping the necessity principle relating to a significant other, and where obligation or duty has to be observed, or one may need to walk away. From Scorpio after the5th, issues to do with relationships are a little more profound, and Saturn in Scorpio for all Aries is an indication of the need to become very grounded, pragmatic and realistic about financial issues, particularly of a complicated or joint sort. TA

For all born around March 27th, both Pluto and Uranus are still maintaining challenges. Stay flexible but be aware that chapters are ending. And you must be totally conscious about not being a victim of your own unconscious.  Deep issues are erupting and powerful buttons are being pressed and you need to understand these and count to 10 before reacting. And be as prepared to examine your own motives re use of power as much as you are needing to be aware of others’ potential misuse of power around you now.  Try and have a psychoanalytical view of the energies at work within and without now.

TAURUS            APRIL 21ST - MAY 20th

Saturn moving into Scorpio will challenge your sign for maturity and responsibility. The next 2½ years will bring challenges via relationships. Learning curves, and the principle of necessity will be powerful. Be very grown-up, and remember that facing some of the mountains that we have to climb in life and doing what we have to makes our lives more secure for the future. A serious note is struck, and initially those born between April 21st and 24th will feel the hand of Saturn on their shoulder this month, but remember he is a benevolent despot, and what we do under Saturn if we apply ourselves to the task, we benefit from later. It’s all about deferred gratification.

After the 5th when Mercury is in Scorpio communications with others will really pay dividends for all of you and before the 7th, if born after May 15th, tread carefully around partners as they are  rather volatile and they may not be easy to deal with

Meanwhile Jupiter in your solar 2nd house of Gemini continues to protect many of you financially, and certainly it is a time to focus on a work ethic for many of you as well, and the ordinary, everyday routine needs rationalisation.

Between the 3rd and 28th many of you will have the opportunity to enjoy life to the full and creativity is underlined, as is romance, and children’s issues can be a bonus.

Meanwhile, those born around April 20th are being blessed by the magical touch of Neptune, bringing exquisite sensitivity and almost psychic understanding to your door.

The full Moon in your sign on the 30th directly affects those born around April 27th. For this small group of Taureans, be aware that relationships issues can come to a little bit of a head and are better for it around this time.

GEMINI             MAY 21st - JUNE 20th

Saturn moving from Libra into Scorpio puts focus on work. Hard application of skills needs focusing on. Detail, rationalisation, biting the bullet of difficult tasks with humility is all part of the picture. It is also important to take this as an opportunity to take very good care of the health and seek out fitness routines. Wherever Saturn is, any hard work put in, pays off.

However being Libra’s month, it is also a time to celebrate life and creativity, but after the 5th, Mercury also in Scorpio points to focus intellectually on everyday routine.

Mars in Scorpio before the 7th indicates that before that date, for many of you a big push in career is needed. From the 7th all born up to June 10th have Mars going through their solar 7th house, suggesting that there will be some war drums potentially around coming from others , and you have to be careful about your own assertiveness that may be inviting this, but the impact of others will be noticed.

Jupiter still in your sign is very good news however for all born June 5th to 8th.  Relationships, travel, luck, growth can all flourish, and a feeling of confidence invites these qualities in during this once every 12-year visit.

Also Uranus is smiling on those born May 25th to 28th. He is bringing a need for a more humanitarian, big-picture view of the world and a desire to express your unique individuality, to be less risk averse and to take a leap into a more innovative, exciting future with a greater confidence about your need for freedom and liberty.

However if born around May 22nd/23rd, smoke and mirrors and some confusion are in the air, particularly around career, and divine discontent is making you realise that you have neglected your soul and you need to put that right, but check all the small print and other peoples’ credentials. It is easy now to be a victim of self-deception or deception from others.

CANCER            JUNE 21st - JULY 21st

A sigh of relief is indicated for all of you as Saturn leaves from a difficult angle to your sign where domestic issues may have been quite onerous and underconfidence may also have been part of the picture. From Scorpio he forms a positive angle to your Sun, and for many of you over the next 2½ years some very grown-up, constructive, serious and disciplined attitude will carry you far, particularly creatively, in romance and in relation to one’s offspring. Patience, austerity, focus, pragmatism and maturity will all be demanded to good effect. Initially, those affected are born June 22nd to 25th.

Being Libra’s month, focus however will be very much on home and domestic issues for many of you, but from the 5th all of you will have an opportunity to express yourself very effectively and creatively, and communication with offspring can be very fulfilling, and indeed with romantic relationships too.

Mars in Scorpio before the 7th directly impacts in a positive way, those born after July 17th. This can also bring a predatory note that can be quite successfully applied in your romantic pursuits.

However those born around June 26th to 29th are still feeling the effects of Pluto and Uranus in their rare connection with your Sun. This is a period when many of you are going through a period of stresses and strains with power struggles with others, and also with your own and other peoples’ unpredictable attitude, particularly around work and relationships. All is in flux; you want to empower yourself but you have to be very careful how you do this. Do not be too impulsive and control primeval eruptions. If others are coercive in a way that is unacceptable, draw boundaries with dignity and walk away, or at the very least, learn from what this eruption is reflecting in you.

LEO      JULY 22nd - AUGUST 22nd

Saturn moving into Scorpio indicates that there will be some challenges for your sign over the next 2½ years. Initially early Leos, born between July 23rd and 28th will feel this influence this month. Issues are likely to be raised on the domestic and family front, or even connected to real estate, which are quite challenging. Reality checks need to be faced and learning curves about the results of previous behaviour also need to be embraced. Saturn is the lord of karma. Sometimes we have to accept that we have to have some pain to achieve gain, and blocks and restrictions and delays can be part of the picture. It is also a time to remember that you are no longer as young as you were. Humility is needed, and hard work to address issues that come up now will be important.

Fortunately for those born August 7th to 10th, friends are likely to be great helpmeets right now and this is a great time for sociability and also having a leadership role in a group situation.

Before the 7th all born after August 17th may well be feeling got at again, particularly on the family front, and impatience, irritability and volatile behaviour are all in the air, from you and from others, but truths will be told. Also, between the 5th and 29th communications, particularly with family members, will hit home.

Late Leos ( born after August 16th) need to use the window of opportunity during the first three days of the month to enjoy some love and admiration, and from the 3rd, financial gain can be accrued through charm and creativity.

If born July 27th to 30th, Uranus is currently bringing unexpected bonuses through study and travel, and people met in foreign climes or who are connected to academia in some way, can really be way-showers and light-bearers. A need for excitement and adventure is part of the picture now, and a desire to take a leap into a new future is a driver as is the need to liberate yourself from outworn life-styles and attitudes.

VIRGO          AUGUST 23rd  - SEPTEMBER 21st

Saturn moving into Scorpio is quite a positive influence for your sign. For the next 2½ years it will bring for many of you a sense of taking a very serious, intellectual, positive, focused and disciplined attitude towards life, study and communications. You will become very grounded and pragmatic in your thought processes in a constructive and disciplined way, enhancing your already strong levels of patience and work ethic. Initially, those benefiting are born August 23rd to 28th, but note that this Saturn angle, though positive, does request a grown-up and serious motivation and attitude.

By contrast currently, if born September 7th to 10th, Jupiter may be tempting you to some excess or over-confidence, which is out of character, but beware!

Because there is a strong influence from Scorpio this month, the power of your thoughts and communications will matter and indeed, for those born after September 17th, there will be before the 7th a very strong and passionate drive to achieve through the power of incisive communication and its influence over others. After the 7th if born up to September 11th, there could be a feeling that someone on the home front is being less than calm or cooperative and indeed your own energy could be a little like a bull in a china shop.

However, between the 3rd and 28th, you will all get a bonus from Venus being in your sign, bringing harmony, aesthetic appreciation and charm to your door, and it will also be a generally “good hair” period.

Neptune is in his on-going foray through Pisces, directly affecting those born around August 24th. This group should be very wary and careful that you don’t perceive only what you want to see in others and be also cautious about deceptive influences around you. Idealism is strong, but keep grounded.

Meanwhile, for those born August 29th to September 1st, you are still in a period of real empowerment, creatively and romantically. You are re-inventing yourself, believing in yourself and understanding the impact that you have in a very positive and regenerative way on others.

LIBRA               SEPTEMBER 22nd - OCTOBER 23rd

Saturn finally leaves your sign on the 5th after 2½ years, which brings a sigh of relief for many of you. Those affected finally this month are born very late Libras, October 20th to 23rd. This is a time of having to confront some challenging issues to do with the home, and it is also a time when you are tired and need to look after the body and when negativity and restriction can reign. It is also an important learning curve. From Scorpio there may be a need just to be wary over finances over the next 2½ years, but in general from Scorpio, Saturn is a rather silent note for your sign.

The Sun is in Libra, as is Mercury until the 5th. This implies a bonus to your energy and drive for most of you, but the powerful influence from Scorpio this month suggests that many of you may be thinking long and hard about your finances, particularly after the 5th, and also before the 7th, when Mars is in Scorpio, much energy can be put into either spending or manipulating finances.

Before the 3rd, late born Libras, born after October 19th, are in sociable mood and friends will not want you to stay home, but after the 3rd a little bit of solitary contentment calls and work done for others, behind-the-scenes is a bonus.

Jupiter is smiling now on those born October 7th to 10th, excellent for travel and academic pursuits, and a genuinely lucky, upbeat period.

However if born September 27th to October 1st, both Pluto and Uranus are making rather uncomfortable angles to your Sun still. Conflicts within and without are causing you some problems and touching on very deep issues that can be very ancestral in essence. Also other people are unpredictable and keeping you guessing, but are there as catalysts for change for you and you are being tested to develop your own power to handle this situation.

The new Moon falls in your sign on the 15th, directly affecting all born around October 15th to 17th. For this group a new start is inevitable in a very positive way.

SCORPIO            OCTOBER 24th - NOVEMBER 21st

Saturn moves into your sign, which he does every 30 years and will stay there for 2½ years. The implications of this are that you will all at some point during this time face a very growing-up period when you will be demanded to learn some lessons to apply yourself to what is necessary and to work very hard to create a greater solid infrastructure in your life, even though it may feel like quite an uphill struggle at times. This is a very maturing period. Initially those most affected are early Scorpios born October 24th to 28th. It will be a “bite the bullet” time for many of you but which is necessary. Remember that with Saturn self-discipline, patience, humility and conscious maturity and the biting of bullets are all-necessary, as well as is caring for the body, the vessel that carries you.  Sometimes there is no gain without first experiencing some pain.  Remember what you want is not always what you need and humbly realising and accepting a need to give up on certain outgoing desire, can be your greatest and most purifying teacher over the next few years. Saturn is a benevolent despot and a karmic schoolteacher..

Mars in your sign before the 7th will also make many of you born after the 16th very assertive in the first week, and that assertiveness can be very productive or it can be coercive. Remember your sign is capable of obsessive desires. Beware it does not become a steam roller that creates enemies.

From the 5th all of you will have exceptional communication gifts, be very incisive and you will get listened to, and after the 3rd, Venus in Virgo will bring all of you a sociable period and when friends and romantic issues are highlighted. However, because this is Libra’s month, many of you may be divided between a little splendid isolation and sociability.

Neptune is bringing to all very early Scorpios born around October 24th a touch of magic, which he has been doing for some time. It brings real inspiration, a desire for soul mates and a very great spiritual connection with one’s offspring. It also emphasises deep-rooted, creative abilities and the need to reach out for your heart and soul and ideals will be emphasised as is empathy, compassion and caring.

SAGITTARIUS               NOVEMBER 22nd - DECEMBER 21st

Saturn’s move into Scorpio represents a bit of a quiet note for your sign, but he does move into your solar 12th, suggesting a coming sense of a little bit of isolation,  and a need not to brood and to realise that you can ask for help and you should not be left alone with your problems. It can also bring issues from the past very much into play in your consciousness with a need to bring out those issues into conscious control, rather than let them control you. Also anxiety and worried can grow out of proportion, if you allow it.

Being Libra’s month, this is an excellent time for sociability and for pursuing humanitarian or altruistic goals with others, and work will be a major focus after the 3rd and before the 28th in a way that is pleasing, but you may have to smile, even though you are not best pleased.

Before the 7th be wary of sitting on anger, and after the 7th for all born up to December 10th, a great drive and energy will be yours. Make sure it is a positive and constructive one, rather than overly assertive.

Jupiter is a now best friend for those born December 6th to 9th. For this group there is a very strong feeling of full on life force and other people are very encouraging and they can bring great relationship excitements.  Just beware of being OTT or pushing the boat too far. Others can certainly tempt you into excess, but it is a great time for travel and enjoyment.

For those born November 26th to 29th, Uranus is trining your Sun now, creating a great boost to your self-expression and your desire for creativity. Your maverick side and individuality will also be accentuated. There is a need for freedom, and a desire for a bit of adventure and adrenaline. This is a time to positively enjoy, celebrate and pursue your own unique individuality.

Meanwhile those born around November 22nd are having Neptune rather muddying the waters. Feelings of uncertainty, the dissolving of ties and some confusion are yours. This is because you are in transition from one phase of life to another. It is a time to listen to your soul, to not make any definitive decisions and to realise that you are a chrysalis and will emerge a butterfly. This is a redemptive period of metamorphosis. The fog will clear.


Saturn in Scorpio is a much better position for you than Saturn from Libra has been over the last 2½ years. From the 5th from Scorpio he will bring for many of you in the next couple of years a sense of groundedness, pragmatism and practicality, and a great sense of seriousness in a very constructive way, particularly when dealing with friends and goals, and an intellectual pragmatism is yours. Most affected initially are early Capricorns born around December 22nd to 24th. Focus will be quite strongly on career and working hard this month for many of you, but also friendships and social obligations will be powerful and enjoyable, particularly between the 5th and 29th when your intellectual input will be very valued.

Between the 3rd and 28th also your popularity will grow and your charms will combine with your intelligence.

Before the 7th if born after January 15th don’t underestimate the power of your influence over others and your energy levels and determination can pull rabbits out of hats. After the 7th many of you however need to remember not to sit on resentment and brood.

Jupiter is protecting you all work-wise and if born December 26th to 29th, Uranus is creating some uncertainty and unpredictability on the home and family front. He is waking you up to new dimensions and making you want to escape from any Capricornian stultifying routine that has become comfortable but restricting. This is a time for change and for some surprising left-field events that may create that change, but avoid impulse and seek adventure that is controlled and reasonable.

If born round December 22nd, Neptune is sextiling your Sun, bringing a real softening of the heart and the soul and a greater sensitivity to life and an absorbing of people like a sponge and feeling the need to express yourself both creatively and spiritually. This is a very redemptive and gentling influence.

By contrast, if born December 27th to 30th, Pluto right on your Sun is a once every 248-year power drive. You are tested for the wise use of power that is either given to you or which you seek now. A sense of destiny is in the air. Endings and new beginnings are all around you. Remember you are the steward, not the owner of the power. Motive is everything, but your influence goes far and wide, so treat with great responsibility.


Saturn moving into Scorpio squares your sign, which will bring some challenges to many of you during the next 2½ years, most likely connected to career and reputation. You will be given some rather testing challenges in life which connect to responsibilities and duties and also which force you to face some facts about yourself and whether possibly you need to consider whether you are going in the right direction and need to move on, or whether you are just feeling under-confident when actually you are up to the task. Delays and restrictions are likely and it is a time when deferred gratification is the name of the game. Look after your body, as you are not getting any younger. Saturn is the principle of necessity. Those initially aware of this now will be those born January 21st to 25th.

Because it is Libra’s month, many of you may be undertaking journeys or holidays, and for some this is about further learning.

Emphasis generally on Scorpio this month does mean that career figures largely for all of you and between the 5th and 29th many of you may have to tread carefully about what you say and some professional communications will hit home.

Also, before the 7th if born after February 13th, Mars in Scorpio will imply a few power struggles and a few harsh confrontations, possible again with colleagues or authority figures. However after the 7th, many of you, particularly if born up to February 7th, will be working very constructively and hard on behalf of others and also social life can be successful.

Jupiter is very much the friend now of those born February 3rd to 6th. He is bringing a real dose of enjoyment of life, particularly in a romantic context, and also bringing creative fecundity to your door. The extrovert in you is there and the fun-loving person can shine.

For those born January 25th to 28th, Uranus is currently bringing a spring to your step, but importantly he is bringing great intuition into your life and some eureka moments help you direct your future in a much more liberated way. Uranus is your ruling planet and this is a very helpful, once every 42-year contact to your Sun. Awakening and enlightening influences are being born and innovation and liberty are yours with confidence.

PISCES            FEBRUARY 19th - 20th MARCH

Saturn’s shift into Scorpio is quite a constructive movement for your sign as it is in harmony with you. It brings serious issues to bear, connected to overseas and long-distance interests and events, and also brings a sense of responsibility, obligation and discipline in academic or spiritual pursuits. Serious but constructive is the message, and initially this month those feeling this are born February 19th to 23rd, but you will all be so touched at some time over the next 2½ years.

Emphasis on Scorpio generally implies long-distance connections for many of you this month, and between the 5th and 29th. Intellectual curiosity and satisfaction is definitely underlined for you all.

Before the 7th when Mars is in Scorpio, all born after March 15th will be very driven and successfully productive connected to pushing out boundaries in travel or thinking and academic pursuits. After the 7th, all born up to March 9th need to have a care about being too reckless in work. Impatience and impulsiveness can be counterproductive.

Also, those born March 5th to 8th should be aware that Jupiter currently is bringing a sense of being a little OTT in behaviour and indulgence on the home and family front, but celebrations and enjoyments do rather abound.

Neptune is currently in your sign and very powerfully so, and is therefore exquisitely intense for those born around February 19th. This is an influence that has been around for some time and will continue until the beginning of 2013. For this group your Pisces tendencies will be exaggerated to the nth degree. A divine homesickness, a divine discontent, a longing for some ideal and a great gentleness, sensitivity and an ability to absorb everything like a sponge are all really profoundly underlined. The sea and music are your food now and the visual sense is huge. For some of you, psychic experiences and spiritual insights are likely, but it is vital to keep grounded, to not escape and to not let the extra hypersensitivity drag you down. Use it to help elevate others by your compassion, empathy, sensitivity and insight. For some of you your body may become extra sensitive to things like alcohol, so have a care as purity is all now.

For those born February 24th to 27th, Pluto is now in harmonious relationship in his rare connection to your Sun. Your power now in a destined way to be a mover and shaker to others should not be underestimated, and your incisive intellect is honed. Use this power well for others and you will be hugely fulfilled. Regenerative and transformative insights can work wonders for many and indeed for you.