Monday, 1 October 2012

LEO      JULY 22nd - AUGUST 22nd

Saturn moving into Scorpio indicates that there will be some challenges for your sign over the next 2½ years. Initially early Leos, born between July 23rd and 28th will feel this influence this month. Issues are likely to be raised on the domestic and family front, or even connected to real estate, which are quite challenging. Reality checks need to be faced and learning curves about the results of previous behaviour also need to be embraced. Saturn is the lord of karma. Sometimes we have to accept that we have to have some pain to achieve gain, and blocks and restrictions and delays can be part of the picture. It is also a time to remember that you are no longer as young as you were. Humility is needed, and hard work to address issues that come up now will be important.

Fortunately for those born August 7th to 10th, friends are likely to be great helpmeets right now and this is a great time for sociability and also having a leadership role in a group situation.

Before the 7th all born after August 17th may well be feeling got at again, particularly on the family front, and impatience, irritability and volatile behaviour are all in the air, from you and from others, but truths will be told. Also, between the 5th and 29th communications, particularly with family members, will hit home.

Late Leos ( born after August 16th) need to use the window of opportunity during the first three days of the month to enjoy some love and admiration, and from the 3rd, financial gain can be accrued through charm and creativity.

If born July 27th to 30th, Uranus is currently bringing unexpected bonuses through study and travel, and people met in foreign climes or who are connected to academia in some way, can really be way-showers and light-bearers. A need for excitement and adventure is part of the picture now, and a desire to take a leap into a new future is a driver as is the need to liberate yourself from outworn life-styles and attitudes.

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