Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Your month and time to shine, or a time to at least show your power, positively or negatively, but be aware that from the 14th to 26th when Mercury is retrograde in your sign, many of you may feel that you can talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

Venus in Scorpio after the 22nd is favourable for all born up to October 3rd. It ignites magnetic charms and harmonises relationships, and before the 17th many of you will focus on pursuing your second favourite subject: finances.

After the 17th if born up to November 4th you are no shrinking violet when it comes to arguing your case with obvious intellectual strength.

Saturn is now sitting on the Suns of those born October 24th to 28th. This prompts a reassessment of necessity. It’s a time to look after the body, acknowledge its limitations and be cautious. Face facts that though uncomfortable, means life is addressed more realistically.

In contrast, if born October 31st -November 1st, Pluto now brings great intellectual insight and power. You are listened to and responsibility that goes with power needs honoured. You are the conduit, not the owner of this power.

For those born around October 24th, Neptune continues to soften your heart and inspire creative depths: a once every 82 year event..

The solar eclipse on the 13th targets all born around November 15th. A time for a new dawn.

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