by Leigh Oswald
It would seem that the world is not going to end around the
21st December as has been suggested by those who believe that the
Mayan calendar predicts such an event. However it is certainly true that
between the 26th and 31st of the month, there is a
considerable feeling of disruption. Indeed around the 26th when the
Sun squares up to Uranus, there may well be some potential for geophysical
upheavals. Most certainly the left field and unexpected are in the air. Also,
as the year ends on the 30th/31st, the Sun lines up
exactly to conjunct Pluto which has a sense of power that can be used for good
or ill, and can be quite a global dramatic influence. Drama is in the air and
as always with Pluto, this can be the misuse of power or the use of power for
the greater good. Pluto spells power as in the words “plutocracy” and
“plutonium” and endings followed often (not always) by new beginnings, are in
the ether as the year closes.
It is now that
Saturn (ruling Capricorn) is in Scorpio that the power of Pluto (ruling
Scorpio) in Capricorn is taking full effect, as they aid and abet each other.
Both these positions relate to finance and to the economic and establishment
structures and both also connect to the revelation of the deep, the dark and
the hidden. The full extent of tax avoidance is now being unearthed in global
economic dealings. We are increasingly being made aware that current
challenging market forces and imposed austerity measures seem to be damaging
the poor and middle strata of society, whilst leaving the very wealthy largely
untouched. Being called to account is
part of the karma of Saturn in Scorpio and even some of the establishment
figures themselves are having to address the problems of long term corruption
within their own milieu, but the fight to keep the system as it stands afloat,
while fiddling round the edges, to affect seeming change, will still be the
goal of many in power.
In our face climate
change issues are upon us also. Hurricane Sandy in the U.S. and massive
extensive flooding in the U.K. are hardly subtle reminders that whilst
governments bleat on about restoring growth, the forces of nature are taking
their revenge and creating the biggest wakeup call possible. The phrase
sustainable growth is nothing less than an oxymoron.
Neptune in Pisces
now and for many a year to come will deluge us with issues re water; and
redemption will only be achieved when we acknowledge our failures in looking after
our planet’s precious resources.
To say simply that we are the custodians of nature is an
arrogance of assumption. In reality, nature is our custodian; and if necessary
she will make us suffer and deal us collectively some fatal blows, if we have
not deserved her care or appreciated her precious balance, bounty and
beauty. She is basically screaming at
us to wake up to her ability to wage destruction on us, when we abuse her
It may not be the
end of the world, but for those with eyes to see, we are certainly looking over
a precipice.
We all, not least
governments, fiddle, while the planet burns and drowns.
On a more positive note, the first week is excellent for the
arts when Mercury conjuncts Venus, and there is a smoke and mirrors feel in the
air around the 16th when Venus squares Neptune.
Although this is Sagittarius’ month, Scorpio is powerful,
Mercury being in that sign until the 11th and Venus until the 16th.
It is therefore a time to continue to unearth the unsavoury. After the 26th
when Mars moves into Aquarius away from Capricorn, a real global maverick mood
is in the air.
Also Uranus moves into direct motion on the 13th,
signalling a new proactive revolutionary drive being re born that will be
increasingly effective and more globally resonant among the populace. Such
drives will increase and maverick energies will be high profile and the fight
between the old guard and a new desire for radical change is once again ignited
This rebellious mood
will reach a peak in May/June next year when Uranus once more exactly squares
(90degree angle) up to Pluto
The new Moon falls on the 13th at 21º of Sagittarius and the full Moon is
on the 28th at 7º of
Happy Holidays. A
time to reflect on what really matters.