Friday, 30 November 2012


For Aries, December is often a month for boarding train, boat or plane, or at least having long-distance connections emphasised, and notably with Mercury and Venus being in Sagittarius from the 11th and 16th respectively, there is a big pull to travel.

However for many of you there will also be the need to really sort out some complex financial issues and to also deal with issues that have a rather awkward feeling about them in terms of needing truth and honesty.

Before the 26th, all born after March 31st will need to tread carefully around colleagues and bosses. Authority figures in general may well be on the warpath and you also need to be aware that with your ruling planet Mars squaring your own sign, the war drums are audible and your impatience can be a troublemaker

 For those born March 27th to April 2nd there are favours now from Jupiter, who is sharpening your intellect and giving opportunities to confidently grow and get listened to.

Those born March 24th to 26th are still feeling very restless and maverick in temperament. Be conscious of this rather than let it control you, otherwise impulsive energy can make you a little accident prone and you can find yourself jumping out of a frying pan into a fire as the urge for change takes control without you thinking things through.

Meanwhile those born March 28th to April 1st also have Pluto creating some drama to do with the identification of your true potential and individuality. This may manifest in some power struggles with others which are forcing you to draw your boundaries and to discover your reasonable power, but don’t be primeval or over-reactive to others. Endings of chapters are in the air because it needs to be the end of a chapter within your own psychological kneejerk response to life.

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