Friday, 30 November 2012


Finances of a complex nature need to be looked into. It is indeed a time of generosity, but also a time when one can bring out the best in others by helping them with their resources. Relationships go deep this month and the power of communication and love is significant.

However, because Saturn is in your opposite sign of Scorpio, all born April 26th to May 1st are also experiencing some heavy learning curves and reality checks vis-à-vis others. Obligation and duty may be part of the picture, but also the realisation that someone has become a stress too far. Only honesty will truly allow you to assess the situation, and indeed what one has to do. Saturn is about biting the bullet.

It is certainly true that those born after May 1st do have this month the opportunity to give of one’s best generosity of spirit and your charms are seductive. Reciprocity of love is in the air.

Before the 26th contacts that are long-distance are in the ether and energy is strong, notably if born in May, and constructive hard work, despite the season, is flagged up. After the 26th all born before April 25th need to treat carefully in career and not be too pushy or impatient.

Money is certainly favoured by Jupiter in Gemini currently. At the very least, he is being protective.

Neptune is still positively influencing the suns of those born April 21st/22nd. He is bringing an extra dollop of sensitivity and creative inspiration. Your ideals are strong and your empathy and compassion are admirable. You cannot deny your heart.

Equally, those born April 28th to May 1st have Pluto empowering your determination to remake yourself, to regenerate life and have courage to achieve, and long-distance issues are certainly an area when you can focus.

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